XP Pro and Vista Issues...

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So is it me, or do you have to be a computer programmer, and someone with 20
years of networking experiance, just to create a simple home network with

I have my Vista machine, and my XP Pro machine.

The vista can find, view, and make changes to the folders and drives i have
shared on the XP Pro machine.

The XP Pro machine can see the computer on the network, but cant access. I
always get the "acess is denied" error.

I have set all the file sharing settings to on, and the password settings to
on. I have done everything that the other threads have said to do. I have set
the permissions to on and allow for all, and yet, i still get the access
denied. I have even tried re-naming the network, and re-running the
networking wizard on the XP Pro machine... STILL i get the acess denied

Why is it the same problem with every version of windows that comes out...
that one can do what you want it to do, but the other just cant...

any ideas... anyone? I really need this to work.
Same problems here - unable to share folders (even after trying to share the
root drive on the Vista machine - HA!), can't access xp pro printer from
Vista laptop. Wireless network keeps trying to have each machine perform as
gateway (never had a gateway computer with my wireless home network and was
confounded when "internet gateway" connection showed up in network properties
on all three of my computers). None of the machines will hold the workgroup
name now - it is like Vista is reaching out to all the other computers on the
network and messing up the settings. Nothing I do as administrator stays the
way I set it - and while I realize that this is a "safety feature" it is
annoying. I have a trusted program I want to run, and when I set it to run
in msconfig, Vista tells me I can't, and keeps shutting it down. The
information provided doesn't tell you what the problem is, or even how to fix
it (has anyone tried to get their startup programs to run using Defender???
I finally disabled it and still have patchy results). What really bothers me
are the network settings, though, and how they seem to be magically changing
on their own. I am ready to just go back to XP and forget about Vista, no
matter how good it would be if it actually did what was promised. I expect a
bumpy ride with a beta, but this operating system seems to have a mind of its
own. It is too complicated for those without real computing experience, but
doesn't give those of us with a great deal of experience any real latitude to
configure our systems. Sorry for rambling, but I've been saving up for two
weeks (after losing my investment in the Office beta, as well - should've
made a backup disk!)
I feel your pain, I have the exact same condition. I cant't share a
printer on the vista machine either. I have tried a bunch of
suggestions posted in this forum and others to no avail. My home
network is pretty simple, a linksys router with two xp machines and
one vista all wired, nothing wireless. I've been working with windows
since 3.1 and every release and has been a royal pain in the ass from
a networking perspective. Maybe some day they will get it right.
I downloaded a copy of Network Magic, installed it just on the VISTA
machine and now everything works like a champ, file and print sharing.
Hopefully a solution will be posted or MS will issue a patch before
the 30 day trial expires on Network Magic.

On Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:54:15 -0600,
I ended up going into my XP machine and fiddling with the printer settings,
uninstalling and re-installing the printer, and noticed that the Vista port
settings had the microsoft document printer set as default. I went back to
my vista machine and made certain the HP printer was set as default, and
printer pooling was then able to be enabled on the XP machine. The
networking settings are very confusing, especially since I can't use my Intel
WCU. There are so many "discovery" settings and also installing TCP/IP v6,
that if MS has not fixed this in the RTC release, there will be a lot of
unhappy consumers out there (ones who don't have the years of computer
experience - or the courage [stupidity?] to install a new OS) some of us
After doing a few installs of Vista, I think I have figured this out.
On a clean install Vista works with XP Pro and Home machines in terms
of file/print sharing. If you upgrade a XP PC to Vista (which
happened in the initial problem below) it will not be able to share
files and printers with other XP PCs unless you uninstall/reinstall
the file and print sharing service on the PC upgraded to Vista.

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:41:53 -0600,
Having sharing allowed and all the other required share/network settings
correct in Vista and XP machines I could not access Vista shared
foldews/printers from XP machines, however vice-versa I could. Now, after
three days I found the solution:

My Visata machine came with McAfee antivirus preloaded. Both the Windows and
McAfee firewalls were on. As soon as I disabled the McAfee firewall the
network sharing worked as intended!

Doing a little follow-up research, I then turned off Windows firewall and
re-enabled the McAfee firewall, as well as changed the security level setting
in McAfee. At this point I was back to the "no-access" problem so I disabled
McAfee firewall and re-enabled Windows firewall. The network worked like a
carm once again. Now I assume there is an exception check box like "Allow
network folder/pinter sharing" in McAfee's firewall like there is in windows
firewall if you are wanting to use McAfee's firewall instead. Also, this may
be the same issue if you have some other another firewall enabled.
Thanks. This worked - however, out of curiosity, let's say that you wanted to use the Mcafee firewall and turn off the Windows firewall (I have Mcafee Security Center installed on both my XP desktop as well as my Vista laptop). What would you need to configure on the Mcafee firewall(s) to get that to work?