XP Pro and IE 6 - Try this key if IE seems broken



I was finally able to fix a problem I had by noting the
absence of this apparently now very vital key in the registry:


You may want to take note of it. If the symptoms are any of
the following:
(1) The Home Page doesn't come up when IE first starts;
(2) The "About Internet Explorer" in the Help menu doesn't
(3) The "Internet Options..." in the Tools menu doesn't work;
(4) Some websites come up and some don't, particular those
with the CGI "?" in their URL;
(5) Repair/In-place Reinstall of XP and IE6 doesn't fix the

Then check and see that the StartMenuInternet key exists
and is properly set (e.g. to "IEXPLORE.EXE").

Why this key never made its way into the registry of a Dell
laptop I just bought is a mystery to me.

Check out KB article 297878, "How to Register an Internet
Browser or E-mail Client with the Windows XP Start Menu".

I am running XP Pro SP-1a, as supplied by Dell for the
Inspiron 9100.


I searched for this KB article 297878 but msn don't have anything on it

----- Rich wrote: ----

I was finally able to fix a problem I had by noting th
absence of this apparently now very vital key in the registry


You may want to take note of it. If the symptoms are any o
the following
(1) The Home Page doesn't come up when IE first starts
(2) The "About Internet Explorer" in the Help menu doesn'
(3) The "Internet Options..." in the Tools menu doesn't work
(4) Some websites come up and some don't, particular thos
with the CGI "?" in their URL
(5) Repair/In-place Reinstall of XP and IE6 doesn't fix th

Then check and see that the StartMenuInternet key exist
and is properly set (e.g. to "IEXPLORE.EXE")

Why this key never made its way into the registry of a Del
laptop I just bought is a mystery to me

Check out KB article 297878, "How to Register an Interne
Browser or E-mail Client with the Windows XP Start Menu"

I am running XP Pro SP-1a, as supplied by Dell for th
Inspiron 9100.

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