XP PNP hardware installation does not work

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I have searched the Knowledge Base and newsgroups but I
haven't found a solution to this problem.

I have a new computer I built last month, so it has a
fresh, clean installation of Windows XP Pro with SP1. The
machine has an Intel D865PERL board, a 3.0 Ghz P4, and 1.0
GB of RAM.

Windows cannot find drivers and other files necessary for
installing any new hardware I connect. This happens
regardless of whether the device is connected via USB,
firewire or parallel port. It has happened with a DV
video camera, USB drive, printer, video card and NIC.

The same devices install without any problem on other
computers I have running XP Pro and W2000. On those
machines the devices install automatically without the Add
New Hardware Wizard ever appearing.

Automatic, PNP installation should occur, but Windows
doesn't seem to be looking in the driver.cab and sp1.cab
files as it should.

I've been able to find the drivers and other files needed
by searching the C:\ drive using Windows Explorer, but the
Add New Hardware Wizard can't see them if they're packed
in a .cab file. The Wizard can see the files in other
locations if I browse to them, but it doesn't find them on
its own.

To install each file I open Windows Explorer, search for
the needed file on my C:\ drive, copy or extract it to the
desktop, then point the Add New Hardware Wizard there.
The file is copied and then it's on to the next file.

This would be annoying if there was just one file to be
installed per device, but there are often several and in
the case of the DV camera at least a dozen.

I shouldn't have to do this manually. Why can't XP locate
and install the files it needs in its own folders
and .cabs? Is there a registry setting that needs to be

You are welcome to contact me directly at the e-mail
address shown (after removing the spam protection


I have searched the Knowledge Base and newsgroups but I
haven't found a solution to this problem.

I have a new computer I built last month, so it has a
fresh, clean installation of Windows XP Pro with SP1. The
machine has an Intel D865PERL board, a 3.0 Ghz P4, and 1.0
GB of RAM.

Windows cannot find drivers and other files necessary for
installing any new hardware I connect. This happens
regardless of whether the device is connected via USB,
firewire or parallel port. It has happened with a DV
video camera, USB drive, printer, video card and NIC.

The same devices install without any problem on other
computers I have running XP Pro and W2000. On those
machines the devices install automatically without the Add
New Hardware Wizard ever appearing.

Automatic, PNP installation should occur, but Windows
doesn't seem to be looking in the driver.cab and sp1.cab
files as it should.

I've been able to find the drivers and other files needed
by searching the C:\ drive using Windows Explorer, but the
Add New Hardware Wizard can't see them if they're packed
in a .cab file. The Wizard can see the files in other
locations if I browse to them, but it doesn't find them on
its own.

To install each file I open Windows Explorer, search for
the needed file on my C:\ drive, copy or extract it to the
desktop, then point the Add New Hardware Wizard there.
The file is copied and then it's on to the next file.

This would be annoying if there was just one file to be
installed per device, but there are often several and in
the case of the DV camera at least a dozen.

I shouldn't have to do this manually. Why can't XP locate
and install the files it needs in its own folders
and .cabs? Is there a registry setting that needs to be

You are welcome to contact me directly at the e-mail
address shown (after removing the spam protection



XP was released the fall of 2001. The drivers included (most supplied by
the various hardware manufacturers) are for devices that existed at that
time and some older devices. How many of the hardware devices that you are
using on this new system existed then? Probably many are newer than the
2001 time frame and XP simply does not include the needed drivers.

Also, for Plug and Play to happen, the Plug and Play service needs to be
enabled. Some of the tweak sites recommend disabling this. Personally,
don't think that's a good idea and prefer to leave the settings alone and
let it run as needed.
-----Original Message-----

XP was released the fall of 2001. The drivers included (most supplied by
the various hardware manufacturers) are for devices that existed at that
time and some older devices. How many of the hardware devices that you are
using on this new system existed then? Probably many are newer than the
2001 time frame and XP simply does not include the needed drivers.

Also, for Plug and Play to happen, the Plug and Play service needs to be
enabled. Some of the tweak sites recommend disabling this. Personally,
don't think that's a good idea and prefer to leave the settings alone and
let it run as needed.
Thanks for your replies. Some of the devices are older,
some are newer. As I said installation of several of
these same devices works flawlessly on my other XP
machine, plus as I also said I can search for and find the
drivers on my C:\ drive so its not that they're missing,
its that Windows doesn't find them. In any case XP is
also supposed to search the Internet for drivers and its
not doing that either.

As for whether or non PNP is disabled, how would I check?
I wasn't able to find any reference to that today either.

In response to another reply, yes I have installed the
motherboard drivers.


-----Original Message-----
SP1. and the but them to that
existed at that are
newer than the needed
Thanks for your replies. Some of the devices are older,
some are newer. As I said installation of several of
these same devices works flawlessly on my other XP
machine, plus as I also said I can search for and find the
drivers on my C:\ drive so its not that they're missing,
its that Windows doesn't find them. In any case XP is
also supposed to search the Internet for drivers and its
not doing that either.

As for whether or non PNP is disabled, how would I check?
I wasn't able to find any reference to that today either.

In response to another reply, yes I have installed the
motherboard drivers.


I've found PNP in System Admin. It is marked to operate
automatically. It is not disabled. Thanks, Mike
As for whether or non PNP is disabled, how would I check?
I wasn't able to find any reference to that today either.

Right click My Computer and select Manage. The Computer Management console
will pop up. You'll see a Services branch in the tree. Or use Start> Run>

Scroll down through the list to Plug and Play and check the startup type.
Default is Automatic.
Did you install the Intel supplied drivers on the CD that
came with the mobo? Have you checked for updates at
www.intel.com for your specific mobo?

| >-----Original Message-----
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 08:16:39 -0800, Mike wrote:
| >>
| >>> I have searched the Knowledge Base and newsgroups but
| I
| >>> haven't found a solution to this problem.
| >>>
| >>> I have a new computer I built last month, so it has a
| >>> fresh, clean installation of Windows XP Pro with
| SP1.
| >The
| >>> machine has an Intel D865PERL board, a 3.0 Ghz P4,
| and
| >1.0
| >>> GB of RAM.
| >>>
| >>> Windows cannot find drivers and other files necessary
| >for
| >>> installing any new hardware I connect. This happens
| >>> regardless of whether the device is connected via
| USB,
| >>> firewire or parallel port. It has happened with a DV
| >>> video camera, USB drive, printer, video card and NIC.
| >>>
| >>> The same devices install without any problem on other
| >>> computers I have running XP Pro and W2000. On those
| >>> machines the devices install automatically without
| the
| >Add
| >>> New Hardware Wizard ever appearing.
| >>>
| >>> Automatic, PNP installation should occur, but Windows
| >>> doesn't seem to be looking in the driver.cab and
| >sp1.cab
| >>> files as it should.
| >>>
| >>> I've been able to find the drivers and other files
| >needed
| >>> by searching the C:\ drive using Windows Explorer,
| but
| >the
| >>> Add New Hardware Wizard can't see them if they're
| >packed
| >>> in a .cab file. The Wizard can see the files in
| other
| >>> locations if I browse to them, but it doesn't find
| them
| >on
| >>> its own.
| >>>
| >>> To install each file I open Windows Explorer, search
| >for
| >>> the needed file on my C:\ drive, copy or extract it
| to
| >the
| >>> desktop, then point the Add New Hardware Wizard
| there.
| >>> The file is copied and then it's on to the next file.
| >>>
| >>> This would be annoying if there was just one file to
| be
| >>> installed per device, but there are often several and
| >in
| >>> the case of the DV camera at least a dozen.
| >>>
| >>> I shouldn't have to do this manually. Why can't XP
| >locate
| >>> and install the files it needs in its own folders
| >>> and .cabs? Is there a registry setting that needs to
| >be
| >>> changed?
| >>>
| >>> You are welcome to contact me directly at the e-mail
| >>> address shown (after removing the spam protection
| >>> characters).
| >>>
| >>> Thanks,
| >>>
| >>> Mike
| >>
| >>XP was released the fall of 2001. The drivers included
| >(most supplied by
| >>the various hardware manufacturers) are for devices
| that
| >existed at that
| >>time and some older devices. How many of the hardware
| >devices that you are
| >>using on this new system existed then? Probably many
| are
| >newer than the
| >>2001 time frame and XP simply does not include the
| needed
| >drivers.
| >>
| >>Also, for Plug and Play to happen, the Plug and Play
| >service needs to be
| >>enabled. Some of the tweak sites recommend disabling
| >this. Personally,
| >>don't think that's a good idea and prefer to leave the
| >settings alone and
| >>let it run as needed.
| >>
| >>--
| >>Sharon F
| >>MS-MVP ~ Windows XP Shell/User
| >>.
| >>
| >Thanks for your replies. Some of the devices are older,
| >some are newer. As I said installation of several of
| >these same devices works flawlessly on my other XP
| >machine, plus as I also said I can search for and find
| the
| >drivers on my C:\ drive so its not that they're missing,
| >its that Windows doesn't find them. In any case XP is
| >also supposed to search the Internet for drivers and its
| >not doing that either.
| >
| >As for whether or non PNP is disabled, how would I
| check?
| >I wasn't able to find any reference to that today either.
| >
| >In response to another reply, yes I have installed the
| >motherboard drivers.
| >
| >Thanks,
| >
| >MLN
| >.
| >
| I've found PNP in System Admin. It is marked to operate
| automatically. It is not disabled. Thanks, Mike
-----Original Message-----

Right click My Computer and select Manage. The Computer Management console
will pop up. You'll see a Services branch in the tree. Or use Start> Run>

Scroll down through the list to Plug and Play and check the startup type.
Default is Automatic.

Yup, it's marked Automatic just as it should be. MLN
Mike said:
Yup, the most up to date Intel drivers are installed.
Thanks, MLN

Check BIOS setup for a switch for Plug and play operating system. Older
BIOSs would have the switch, but with Linux gaining acceptance, it might
be a desired BIOS option again.
