xp phoning home to MS, why?



I installed SP2 and have all updates turned off, including the error
reporting service. I noticed that heavy traffic was still going through my
modem. I used active ports program to find that I was connecting a the
remote IP of, which goes back to Microsoft. The complete IP
info is below. Why is Microsoft taking you my dial up connection and slowing
my data transfer down by having my computer phone home? How can I stop this
without uninstalling SP2?


Waheeba said:
I installed SP2 and have all updates turned off, including the error
reporting service. I noticed that heavy traffic was still going through my
modem. I used active ports program to find that I was connecting a the
remote IP of, which goes back to Microsoft. The complete IP
info is below. Why is Microsoft taking you my dial up connection and slowing
my data transfer down by having my computer phone home? How can I stop this
without uninstalling SP2? goes back to windows update (V.5) double check that you have
automatic updayes turned off.

Charles Bronson

I am having the same problem here.
I also look for some of the known spywares and stuff, but got nothing. All
my unused services are down.


Charles Bronson said:
I am having the same problem here.
I also look for some of the known spywares and stuff, but got nothing. All
my unused services are down.



Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
wscsvc ( Security Center)



Ok all. I turned this off: "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" and the
problem went away.


Waheeba said:
Ok all. I turned this off: "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" and the
problem went away.

Then you won't be able to use the windows update site.


Waheeba said:
Ok all. I turned this off: "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" and the
problem went away.

Here you go.
You can enable

Automatic Updates
Background Intelligent Transfer Service

prior to running Windows Updates from MS site.
Or simply download and install update files individually.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

If those are left off, you will be unable to get updates from Windows Update
manually or automatically.
You will either have to enable them to get updates or you will need to
download the update then install.

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