XP Password

Feb 6, 2003
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Hi there

in my windows xp I got two user accounts. Account A has a password on it account B doesn't

I want to make it so that when I boot up it asks for a username and a password
then also I want to make it so that after a certain amount of time the computer locks out
say 10 minutes
then i should be able to see a screen and click on a user account to log back in

how do I make it so it owrks like this?
From the Control Panel you can get to the section for user accounts and the time out thing you can set from the screensaver section .

got ya thanks I did have a look on user accounts I see two options to tick
which way around to get how I want it?

cheers for screensaver part
I spend so much time on a pc im forgetting the basics
my head's full of linux