Kai-Uwe v. d. Ohe
I have a dual-boot config with XP and Vista RC2. My hd
is partitioned into three drives, c: (primary), d: and e: (both
logical drives within an extended partition). I installed Vista
to e: and since Vista's setup was started from within XP, Vis-
ta sees itself also on e:.
I need to reinstall XP from scratch. I understand that
Vista has written files to the c:-drive (the folder "Boot"
for example) and it has installed a bootloader.
Question: is it possible to save - and put back on c: -
the bootloader and the other files necessary, to be able
to go back to the state that I am at right now and keep
my dual-boot config?
VistaBootPro is installed and I think it can save the boot-
loader. Would I do just that, put the "Boot"- folder back
on c: and then have VBP reinstall the bootloader?
is partitioned into three drives, c: (primary), d: and e: (both
logical drives within an extended partition). I installed Vista
to e: and since Vista's setup was started from within XP, Vis-
ta sees itself also on e:.
I need to reinstall XP from scratch. I understand that
Vista has written files to the c:-drive (the folder "Boot"
for example) and it has installed a bootloader.
Question: is it possible to save - and put back on c: -
the bootloader and the other files necessary, to be able
to go back to the state that I am at right now and keep
my dual-boot config?
VistaBootPro is installed and I think it can save the boot-
loader. Would I do just that, put the "Boot"- folder back
on c: and then have VBP reinstall the bootloader?