XP logon screen after cold start


Mark Q

I have a new install of xp pro. during install I only put
in adminstrator/password account. After install I added
two new user accounts. Problem is when machine is powered
on the log-on screen never appears! Machine boots
directly into password protected administrator account
without ever asking for password. I have to log off
administrator and then the log-on screen appears offering
the two user accounts. wwwwwwwwwwhats-uuuup? Is there a
way to get the machine to go to the log-on screen
immediately after turning on power without re-installing
every ^(*@E^@# thing?

Patti MacLeod

Hi Mark Q,

Go to Start>Run and key in:
control userpasswords2

Under the Users tab, if the checkbox beside "Users must enter a user name
and password to use this computer" is unchecked, click in the checkbox to
place a checkmark there. Click Apply, OK.


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