This being my very first post ever, please be gentle with me.
OK, here's the story so far...................
Last Saturday my wife installed IOLO PC mechanic (Version 7) onto her PC (which had been running extremely slowly for some time). Anyway as with most software it did is thing ran through the set up all fine then at the "re-boot pc now or do it later", my wife re-booted the PC.
When the PC re-booted the windows splash screen popped up as normal followed by a screen saying "Auotocheck program not found-skipping autocheck".
I've done a fair bit of googling this week and can see that this is indeed a fairly well documented thing. However, it would seem our particular little problem has not been covered by all of the technical wizards on the net.
Weve tried downloading PDEDIT and NgBoot form Symantec as we have Norton Go back & internet securit installed on the PC (this was what IOLO advised we do) which failed to work!
I've tried doing a "last known good configuration" .....did'nt work.
I've tried running chkdsk /p & /r .........didn't work.
I've tried to re-boot from the XP start up disk which led us to the following which I thought was rather weird. When I got to the section where it mentions partition it stated that the partion was HNTFS) etc. There was no mention of C: drive?
I don't claim to know anything but I thought the C: drive was where the operating system worked from? We ahve never tampered with PC or moved anything (basically 'cos I don't really understand that much about the workings of PC's & software).
So if you can offer any pointers I'd really appreciate it as my wifae has some important colleg work she needs on the hard drive (wherever that may be????).
Many Thanks
This being my very first post ever, please be gentle with me.
OK, here's the story so far...................
Last Saturday my wife installed IOLO PC mechanic (Version 7) onto her PC (which had been running extremely slowly for some time). Anyway as with most software it did is thing ran through the set up all fine then at the "re-boot pc now or do it later", my wife re-booted the PC.
When the PC re-booted the windows splash screen popped up as normal followed by a screen saying "Auotocheck program not found-skipping autocheck".
I've done a fair bit of googling this week and can see that this is indeed a fairly well documented thing. However, it would seem our particular little problem has not been covered by all of the technical wizards on the net.
Weve tried downloading PDEDIT and NgBoot form Symantec as we have Norton Go back & internet securit installed on the PC (this was what IOLO advised we do) which failed to work!
I've tried doing a "last known good configuration" .....did'nt work.
I've tried running chkdsk /p & /r .........didn't work.
I've tried to re-boot from the XP start up disk which led us to the following which I thought was rather weird. When I got to the section where it mentions partition it stated that the partion was HNTFS) etc. There was no mention of C: drive?
I don't claim to know anything but I thought the C: drive was where the operating system worked from? We ahve never tampered with PC or moved anything (basically 'cos I don't really understand that much about the workings of PC's & software).
So if you can offer any pointers I'd really appreciate it as my wifae has some important colleg work she needs on the hard drive (wherever that may be????).
Many Thanks