XP Keyboard problems



I have a Dell Inspirion 9300 Laptop. Yesterday my spyware found a spy
snooping and asked if I'd like to remove it. I did. Since then my keyboard no
longer works. The built in mouse works untill i press any key on the laptop.
Then the Comp. freezes. Went into the bios to see if anything had been
changed on there but didnt see anything that stood out, oh and by the way the
keyboars work in this mode. It seems to me that it stops working once windows
is running. I did go to the device manager and saw the ! near the installed
keyboard. I uninstalled it and scanned for changes. It reinstalled the
keyboard but the yellow ! is still there. I talked to a friend and he said
that the spyware may have had a keylogger attached and once removed may have
corrupted my keyboard driver for windows. I have no idea what to try. I can
backup data and reinstall my OS (Windows XP Pro) but as a last resort. I dont
have installation disks for many of my older programs and would hate to lose
them. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. - Tealfin


Try the SFC to replace damaged and ore missing windows files

or do a repair install, instead of a clean install.
I'd suggest you get some GOOD AV software, and firewall.


I like to think I know a bit about computers but I am by no means a tech, so
I am not sure what you mean by SFC. By doing a repair install, I am guessing
you mean using the XP disk. I do not see that as an option when I open it up.
Do I need to boot up with it (XP Disk) in the drive, and where is it located.
Sorry that I dont know, but I dont want to mess it up. By the way I did think
that I had a good AV (Kaspersky Internet Suite).


Im sorry, I did run a scan on my system and it booted up but the problem
still exists.


HELP. I have a Dell Inspiron 1200 with Windows xp home, version 2000. i am
having MAJOR problems with the keyboard. I am also in school in Italy and am
almost computer illiterate. This is what happens when I type: T4his is what4
happens when I t4y7pe and I also can't4 use t4he shift4 key7 for t4he
numbers. Has any7one seen t4his problem before? I really7 appreciate the

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