XP installation fails, then loops to restart. Cant delete files

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During an initial windows xp installation some type of error occured in
reading files from CD. I'm offered a log of the error and when I close the
log the PC reboots and restarts the installation process from where it left
off - then to fail at the same location over and over. I want to restart the
installation fresh but there is no way to delete the files as this is the
original install and there is no existing windows app to run,.... so i'm
stuck, since windows sees this as part of the install and will not give me a
chance to boot from the CD. I cant delete the installation and I cant access
any menu that gives me access to DOS. Help!
Are you saying if you insert the winxp cd then boot, its not booting from
the cd?
Even if with the cd in the drive you reboot the pc?
Boot from cd is enabled in the bios?
Yupper. It believes it is in an install so bypasses the normal "Press any key
to run from CD....." message and goes right along to finsh installation.
Crazy'est thing i have ever seen and has everyone I know stumped. Current
thought is that i will buy another HDD and make it the master - call it done.
I had this same problem. Look closely at the bottom of bios screen and you
will see "press any key to run from cd". My screen went real fast so maybe
hit the pause key after it identifies drives to see if its there. You also
have an option if you do boot from cd, to stop restart cycle.