XP Install problems



My situation is;

I have an older 1.8gb P4 400mhz fsb, a maxtor 80gb hd, generic 512mb memory
stick, ATI Radeon 9800 se, mad dog dvd drive, 52x memorex cd burner, Star
Logic 250 w + 12v 10a power supply

Recently I took my computer to a friends house and left it there running
overnight. (He refuses to use his a/c and his house reached 97 degrees that
night) Unfortunately, my computer was undercooled at the time, which has
since been remedied.

The next morning my computer was locked on the windows loading screen. A
few times, I was able to reboot into windows, but the computer would randomly
reboot repeatedly. I tried troubleshooting by swapping out parts to see if
overheating was an issue.
Eventually I decided to reformat my drive and reinstall windows because I
began receiving numerous 'blue screens of death'. (0x000000D1, 0x75807CA2,
0x00000002, 0x00000000, and 0x0000007E) Now, my system locks on 'Windows is
starting' during XP install. The computer posts fine and reads the XP disc
fine but locks on the same step every time. I tried 3 different licensed
copies of XP, 4 different cd/burners/dvd drives. I swapped in another known
to be good hard drive and tried to load from the XP cd. This time i got read
errors on the hd. I swapped in another hard drive with XP installed, and it
will not load into windows.

Any and ALL suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Added an Antec 350w power supply. No change. Also tried disabling any
unneccessary options in bios and have only the memory, processor, hard drive
and cd drive reading the XP disc connected. Still no change...
Today I swapped the processor with a 3.2 gb P4, now i get constant blue
screens right after the Windows is starting screen of the XP installation..
(this is right after the current hardware inspection and file loading)


R. McCarty

Swapping a 1.8 Gig to 3.0+ would transition your rig to a Hyperthreaded
CPU (Different PC HAL). Which motherboard does your PC use ?, You
may need a Firmware flash for your BIOS to be fully compliant with HT.
and enable HT in the BIOS setup.

Also you need to check your FSB ratings, I don't believe a 3.2 P4 uses a
400 MHz FSB, but a 533 MHz one. Without more details it's hard to
give you a likely cause. But, I'd go to your Motherboard vendor's website
and check the BIOS Firmware History/Readme. Check for processor
support (Steps) and Hyperthreading support.


Actually I realized I'd have problems right after testing the 3 gb cpu. My
main problem remains with the lockup on 'windows is starting' screen in the
xp setup. I've switched back to my 1.8 cpu.



Well, I feel like an idiot now. The problem was the memory. Even though it
had worked fine for 3 years in the old Asus P4S533 mobo, when it fried, I had
replaced the board with a Asus P4S800 which supports the dual channel ddr...
I had placed another 512mb standard ddr in, which was causing similar hangups
in the XP install to the defective 512mb ddr. So I finally swapped in two
256mb dual channel ddr sticks and voila! it works find. So after buying a
new board and ps and memory, I finally have my computer back. Whew!

Anyway, thanks to all of those who responded with suggestions and tips. You
are greatly appreciated.


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