XP Home --> XP Pro on laptop


John Smith

I need to get a laptop and the model I want only comes with XP Home (Pro is
not offered as an option).

What's the best route to go to get XP Pro on the laptop:
1) Use the Home -> Pro upgrade?
2) Get a full version of XP Pro and install from scratch, and add all the
necessary hardware drivers from the laptop manufacturer's web site?

Which is going to be more stable? I've heard rumors that the Home->Pro
upgrade on laptops can be problematic in terms of stability.


Danny Sanders

What model laptop?

Had a Sony here (don't remember the model) that came with XP home. Sony's
site had drivers for XP Pro. Used an upgrade disk to upgrade to XP pro, got
drivers from their website, the thing never worked *right*. Talked to Sony
they said I had to use the drivers from their site with their upgrade disk.
No problem, how much is it and when can I get it?

"Sorry we don't make an XP pro upgrade disk for your model!"

"But what about the drivers you supply on your site designed to work with XP
pro for this model laptop?"

"They only work with our upgrade disk."

"Let me get this straight you provide drivers for this model laptop that
work with XP professional, but ONLY with your upgrade version of XP
professional which you don't make?"

"Yes that's right."

I felt like I was in an Abbott and Costello movie. Needless to say Sony got
that laptop back.

I related this story to say you should talk to the laptop manufacturer and
explain *exactly* what you want to do and have them give you your options.


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