XP Home wont copy needed files for install



Starting with basically new machine except for 3 mo old
120GB Seagate & DVD player/CD burner. HDD is fresh
format. I have 2 copies of XP Home - one OEM from dead
machine & one Retail. Same results with both. "Setup
cannot copy the file: differentfiles.many" Tried a 0-fill
on HDD to about 5% - 10% (very long process). Tried
changing CD drives & cables. Tried both BIOS Setup Default
& Optomized. Any ideas?


well.... here is an interesting developement. Processor
is rated for 266MHz FSB but changed to 200 and install
works. It's a fix but I don't like not being able to use
rated settings. It's a question for the supplier, I guess.
If anyone has heard of similar problem I'd sure like to
know the fix. Anyway, it appears to be more of a hardware
problem than WinXP.

Bruce Chambers

Dave said:
Starting with basically new machine except for 3 mo old
120GB Seagate & DVD player/CD burner. HDD is fresh
format. I have 2 copies of XP Home - one OEM from dead
machine & one Retail. Same results with both. "Setup
cannot copy the file: differentfiles.many" Tried a 0-fill
on HDD to about 5% - 10% (very long process). Tried
changing CD drives & cables. Tried both BIOS Setup Default
& Optomized. Any ideas?

Problems copying files or corrupted files during installation are
most often caused by defective or sub-standard hardware; in order of
likelihood, either RAM, the hard drive, or the motherboard. On much
less frequent occasions, a bad CD or defective CD drive can also cause


Bruce Chambers

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Thanks Bruce,
I pulled all the mem then added one stick at a time. One
of the old 256MB caused PC to lock up a short time after
reboot. All mem is same speed and should have worked.
Also, having extra memory, I think, made it easier to
detect this type or problem. All settings are set to
optimal since last ningt and am keeping fingers crossed
while feeding CDs to load this PC. Thanks again.

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