XP Home will not Turn Off OR Restart, unless I first Log Off Windows. Why?



XP Home will not Turn Off OR Restart, unless I first Log
Off Windows. Why?

After pressing the Start button, followed by the Turn Off
Computer button, then either the Turn Off OR Restart
button the computer remains idle and does neither command.

In order to Turn Off OR Restart my computer I must first
Log Off Windows, then I can go through the above commands
and they work.

When I first intalled XP Home, I did not have to Log Off
Windows before the Turn Off OR Restart buttons
functioned. How do I go back to being able to Turn Off OR
Restart, without first Logging Off Windows.

I only have one account (Computer Administrator) and a
Guest account.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Chad,

It indicates that a program or process running is interfering with the
shutdown routine.

Hit ctrl+shift+escape, kill all programs, try to shutdown. Does this work?
If so, then the problem is one of the programs. If not, then it is one of
the processes. Try killing a few of the lines on the processes tab (start
with av background processes), see if it helps. You will need to experiment
a bit to isolate which program or process is the cause. Once you have, then
figuring out what to do from there becomes much easier.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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