XP Home shuts down on Toshiba laptop



Windows XP Home edition on Toshiba Satellite A10 laptop
shuts down when I connect to the net/start browsing in
IE. This also hapens in Outlook, and only when I,m

Message: Shut down is initiated by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
...Because Remote Procedure Call (RPC) terminated

Could anyone help?


Windows XP Home edition on Toshiba Satellite A10 laptop
shuts down when I connect to the net/start browsing in
IE. This also hapens in Outlook, and only when I,m

Message: Shut down is initiated by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
...Because Remote Procedure Call (RPC) terminated

Could anyone help?

Blaster worm... Get yourself a viruskiller and maybe firewall



I think that might be msblast virus.

Removal using the W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool
Symantec Security Response has developed a removal tool to clean the
infections of W32.Blaster.Worm. This is the easiest way to remove this
threat and should be tried first.

Manual Removal
As an alternative to using the removal tool, you can manually remove this
threat. The following instructions pertain to all current and recent
Symantec antivirus products, including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton
AntiVirus product lines.

1.. Restore Internet connectivity.
2.. End the worm process.
3.. Obtain the latest virus definitions.
4.. Scan for and delete the infected files.
5.. Reverse the changes made to the registry.
6.. Obtain the Microsoft HotFix to correct the DCOM RPC vulnerability.

For specific details, refer to the following instructions:

1. Restoring Internet connectivity
In many cases, on both Windows 2000 and XP, changing the settings for the
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service may allow you to connect to the Internet
without the computer shutting down. To restore Internet connectivity to your
PC, follow these steps:

1.. Click Start > Run. The Run dialog box appears.
2.. Type:


in the open line, and then click OK. The Services window opens.

3.. In the right pane, locate the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service.

CAUTION: There is also a service named Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Locator. Do not confuse the two.

4.. Right-click the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service, and then click
5.. Click the Recovery tab.
6.. Using the drop-down lists, change First failure, Second failure, and
Subsequent failures to "Restart the Service."
7.. Click Apply, and then OK.

CAUTION: Make sure that you change these settings back once you have
removed the worm.

2. Ending the Worm process
1.. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete once.
2.. Click Task Manager.
3.. Click the Processes tab.
4.. Double-click the Image Name column header to alphabetically sort the
5.. Scroll through the list and look for Msblast.exe.
6.. If you find the file, click it, and then click End Process.
7.. Exit the Task Manager.
3. Obtaining the latest virus definitions
Symantec Security Response fully tests all the virus definitions for quality
assurance before they are posted to our servers. There are two ways to
obtain the most recent virus definitions:

For newer computer users
Running LiveUpdate, which is the easiest way to obtain virus definitions:
Virus definitions for W32.Blaster.worm have been made available via the
LiveUpdate server since August 11th, 2003. To obtain the latest virus
definitions, click the LiveUpdate button from within the main user interface
of your Symantec product. When running LiveUpdate, ensure that only "Norton
AntiVirus Virus Definitions" are checked. Product updates can be obtained at
a later time.

For system administrators and advanced users
Downloading the definitions using the Intelligent Updater: The Intelligent
Updater virus definitions are posted on U.S. business days (Monday through
Friday). You should download the definitions from the Symantec Security
Response Web site and manually install them. To determine whether
definitions for this threat are available by the Intelligent Updater, refer
to the Virus Definitions (Intelligent Updater).

The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are available: Read "How to
update virus definition files using the Intelligent Updater" for detailed

4. Scanning for and deleting the infected files
1.. Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is
configured to scan all the files.
a.. For Norton AntiVirus consumer products: Read the document, "How to
configure Norton AntiVirus to scan all files."
b.. For Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise products: Read the document, "How
to verify that a Symantec corporate antivirus product is set to scan all
2.. Run a full system scan.
3.. If any files are detected as infected with W32.Blaster.Worm, click

5. Reversing the changes made to the registry

CAUTION: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before
making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in
permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified keys only. Read
the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry," for

1.. Click Start, and then click Run. (The Run dialog box appears.)
2.. Type regedit

Then click OK. (The Registry Editor opens.)

3.. Navigate to the key:


4.. In the right pane, delete the value:

windows auto update

5.. Exit the Registry Editor.

6. Obtaining the Microsoft HotFix to correct the DCOM RPC vulnerability
W32.Blaster.Worm is a worm that exploits the DCOM RPC vulnerability using
TCP port 135 to infect your PC. The W32.Blaster.Worm also attempts to
perform a DoS on the Microsoft Windows Update Web server (windowsupdate.com)
using your PC. To fix this, it is important to obtain the Microsoft Hotfix
at: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026.


Tried the procedure. Downloaded antivirus software.
Virus seem to stop antivirus software, closes program
immediately after I start it!

Tried EZArmor and Kaspersky, same thing.

What should I do?




I just tried it and it worked!

However, something is still strange: When I connect,
computer immediately starts sending large ammounts of
data (I could see it in the connection status). This goes
on and on, as long as I'm on line (10s of gigabytes are
being sent). Coud you tell me what is going on?


I just tried it and it worked!
However, something is still strange: When I connect,
computer immediately starts sending large ammounts of
data (I could see it in the connection status). This goes
on and on, as long as I'm on line (10s of gigabytes are
being sent). Coud you tell me what is going on?

your system most likely have SPYWARE, viruses, trojans or something similar
in it.
Here's 5 steps that EVERY computer owner should do (or have for last two
steps) if they want to make sure their system is not infested with spyware,
trojans and viruses...

1. first download spybot seek & destroy from http://security.kolla.de
install it, update it, and RUN it...

2. second, download AdAware from www.lavasoft.de install it, update it,
--- sofar you should have spyware free system ---

3. third, download spywareblaster
http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html install it, "update" it
and RUN it...

--- after this you should have system that's protected from some spyware
stuff, not ALL though ---

4. get yourself virus killer if you do not have... www.grisoft.com has free
virus killer it you bother dig up more their site to download free version,
install, update and run it...

--- after this your system should be protected from most viruses ---

5. get yourself FIREWALL if you do not have it... Usually free firewall like
ZoneAlarm (www.zonelabs.com) will do...

--- and after this step, you should beable to see when something in your
system tries to connect outside from your system etc ---

virus killer and firewall are usually VERY important part, If you have winXP
you might have it's inbuilt firewall on, that helps some, but it does not
show outbound connections that are sometimes very good to "notice"

and remember to UPDATE/RUN those programs now and then just to stay safe
side on things...

I hope this help you...

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