XP Home re-installation



I recently installed Winows XP Home Edition on a hqardrive that previously
had Windows 98SE installed. The installation went fine and activation of XP
was flawless. The problem is there apparently was a lot of adware and even
one or two active viruses running on the 98SE drive. I am having a lot of
problems updating XP due to these problems. Can I reformat the hardrive
effectively erasing all info including the viruses and adware and reinstall
XP? Will I need to reactivate XP over the phone and be given the third
degree from Microsoft or will the web activation realize that no hardware
changes have been made and just reactivate XP?


:I recently installed Winows XP Home Edition on a hqardrive that previously
: had Windows 98SE installed. The installation went fine and activation of
: was flawless. The problem is there apparently was a lot of adware and
: one or two active viruses running on the 98SE drive. I am having a lot of
: problems updating XP due to these problems. Can I reformat the hardrive
: effectively erasing all info including the viruses and adware and
: XP? Will I need to reactivate XP over the phone and be given the third
: degree from Microsoft or will the web activation realize that no hardware
: changes have been made and just reactivate XP?

No changes = no activation probs, no phone call.

Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.

Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.


You're welcome. Let me know how it goes.

Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.

Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.

: Thanks. I'll try it tonight.
: "Alias" wrote:
: >
: > : > :I recently installed Winows XP Home Edition on a hqardrive that
: > : had Windows 98SE installed. The installation went fine and activation
: > XP
: > : was flawless. The problem is there apparently was a lot of adware and
: > even
: > : one or two active viruses running on the 98SE drive. I am having a
lot of
: > : problems updating XP due to these problems. Can I reformat the
: > : effectively erasing all info including the viruses and adware and
: > reinstall
: > : XP? Will I need to reactivate XP over the phone and be given the
: > : degree from Microsoft or will the web activation realize that no
: > : changes have been made and just reactivate XP?
: >
: > No changes = no activation probs, no phone call.
: > --
: > Alias
: >
: > Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.
: >
: > Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.
: >
: >
: >


You don't really need to reinstall...

If you use a free program such as 'spybot' (you can find it on google), this
will remove the sypware/adware.

For the viruses, use something like 'AntiVir' (also free) or similar.

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