I've set up a network of 4 PC's at home. 3 running XP SP2 and an old laptop
running Windows ME. The 3 PC's running XP are also running Norton Antivirus
(SystemWorks 2004). My problem is that I can access one of the XP PC's and
the Laptop from any computer, but I can't access the other two XP PC's from
any other computer. I've set up and network a number of times using different
names and PC descriptions etc - same problem, which is an error message
saying Access Denied.....do not have permissions. I can't find where to view
or change permissions. I've checked the services and protocols and the
windows and Norton firewall settings, all look the same on all three XP PC's.
Any advice or suggestions would be welcome.
running Windows ME. The 3 PC's running XP are also running Norton Antivirus
(SystemWorks 2004). My problem is that I can access one of the XP PC's and
the Laptop from any computer, but I can't access the other two XP PC's from
any other computer. I've set up and network a number of times using different
names and PC descriptions etc - same problem, which is an error message
saying Access Denied.....do not have permissions. I can't find where to view
or change permissions. I've checked the services and protocols and the
windows and Norton firewall settings, all look the same on all three XP PC's.
Any advice or suggestions would be welcome.