-----Original Message-----
I read that XP can burn CDs.
How? Where is this application?
PS: Does Roxio's software work well in XP?
Yes!XP can burn CD.
XP has built-in, easy-to-use, CD-Recordable (CD-R) disc
burning support for most CD writers. Before you use the
feature, you should check your CD burning options:
1]Start Windows Explorer (Win + E).
2]Right-click your CD-R drive and select Properties.
3]Select the Recording tab (if this tab isn't available,
your device doesn't support CD burning).
4]You can then set the following options:
*Whether to enable CD recording
*The drive to hold the staging files (before the system
burns a CD-R disc, the system writes the files to be
recorded to an intermediary area known as the staging
area-this area must have enough free space to hold an
entire CD's content)
*The CD recording speed
*Whether to eject the media after recording
5]Set your options and click OK.
Then, to use the CD burning feature, perform the following
a.Insert a blank CD-R disc into your CD burner (you don't
need the blank CD-R disc until step 4, but it's a good idea
to insert it when you begin).
b.Drag the appropriate files/folders to the CD-R drive, or
select the files/folders and from the context menu, select
Send To, Writable CD.
c.After you copy all the files, select the CD-R drive and
you'll see the waiting files as "Files to add to the CD."
d.Right-click the CD-R drive, and select Write to CD (if
this option isn't available, you don't have a blank CD-R
disc in the drive).
e.Enter a name for the CD-R disc, and click Next.
f.The system will write the files to the CD-R disc.
g.After the system writes all the files, it will eject the
CD-R disc (if you chose that option above).
h.Click Finish.
Yes Roxio's software work well in XP (with updates)
with regards,