My reply is at the bottom of your message :
Gogs said:
Have XP home machine that had malware (now clean) but the firewall is greyed
Only one User / Administrator setup.
Have removed and reinstalled SP2
Have tried everything I can find listed in this newsgroup but no joy.
If I delete the Firewall key in
then reboot to safemode the firewall works ok. If I boot to normal mode it
is greyed out and OFF.
Any Ideas what could be disableing the firewall in normal mode?
Thanks in anticipation.
Hello Gordon !
Q: what could be disableing the firewall in normal mode?
A: The malware you have .
Windows Firewall is really really good firewall but it has one disadvantage
- it is vulnreable to all the nasty things that can kill it from inside.And
you have malware.Viruses and Spyware turn it off to be able the hacker to get
remote control of your computer which is really dangerous or to download any
other nasty things such as another malware until you computer crashes and
dies. Reinstalling SP2 will not help you and even the things may get worse.
Now , to start with , you can remove SP2 because I belive it is damaged by
the malware you have.
Then , goto my web-site:
and perform the *fast* malware removal instructions to check and clean your
As you do not have firewall , it is impossible to turn it on , it is not
recommended to be connected to internet because you are quite vulnerable to
threats and that's why you can use another computer (not public) (e.g. at
work or at your friend ) to download the necessary things to clean your
computer.Or you can goto the nearest computer shop and buy router with
hardware firewall which would be the best.
If you download the tools from another computer , make sure the other
computer is also malware free.
If you now buy router with firewall , you can plug it between your computer
and the cable for the lan/internet so you'll have hardware firewall and will
be able to use your own computer to download the tools. Moreover , in future
you'll have one more protection with two firewalls(one software and one
hardware) that work great together.
At the end , when the computer is 100% malware free , install SP2.
Before installing it , learn what you should do before installing it:
Finish with something realy important .Learn how to protect your computer so
what you have now will never comes again:
Protect your PC section
Feel free to contact the Community again !
Prevention is always better than cure !
My web page:
Learn how to protect your computer:
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