Stoney said:
I recently purchased XP but haven't installed it yet. I'm
currently running with Windows 98. Do I download the fix
(MS03-026) for Blaster before I install XP or after?
Should I wait to install and if so how long?
Blaster does not affect Win98. There's really no need to delay your XP
install. However, after you've completed installing and before you go
online, be sure to enabled XP's firewall in your internet connection
properties. Of course, if you already have other firewall/av programs on
disk, install them before going online also. If you DO NOT have any
firewall/av programs on disk, I suggest downloading the free AVG anti-virus
from , and a free firewall from either or and save them to a cd while you're still using Win98.
Install, configure and update them on XP, then go get all your Windows
Updates and you will be good to go.