HELP! Over 2.5 weeks ago, my computer stopped booting to the desktop. No
icons, nothing shows...but 3 screens. One screen is the Microsoft XP logo,
one is "shut off mode in 5 seconds" and there is another one with white
writing....somethiing File. When I ca lled this Microsoft help place, they
told me to turn my computer off and keep pressing F8 over and over. We tried
to reboot with the safe mode, and all this other options on that list.
Nothing. They said it sounds like my version of XP is corrupted. Finally,
they said that I need to get the XP Home Edition disc and re-install it.
Well, my computer is 6 years old abd Sony Vaio doesn't give you the disc when
you buy it. They said that I would be able to reinstall XP Home Edition
WITHOUT losing any of my data.
So, I had to buy the XP Home Edition. I bought it from an E-Bay seller. He
sent the Pro edition, so I had to return it because it said I would lose my
data if I installed it. I was assured by these Microsoft techs if I bought
the same edition (XP Home Edition) I would not lose my data. It wouldn't try
to "reformat" the drive.
Well, this afternoon I just go the XP Home Edition in the mail, put it in,
and it says that C drive either has something incompatible with XP, hasn't
been formatted, etc. etc. It won't let me install on D drive. But, it says if
installed it will need to format the drive and CAUTION ALL data will be
Is there any way to re-install without it losing my data? I think most of
my important data is on D but I know some is still on C too. I'm about to
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
icons, nothing shows...but 3 screens. One screen is the Microsoft XP logo,
one is "shut off mode in 5 seconds" and there is another one with white
writing....somethiing File. When I ca lled this Microsoft help place, they
told me to turn my computer off and keep pressing F8 over and over. We tried
to reboot with the safe mode, and all this other options on that list.
Nothing. They said it sounds like my version of XP is corrupted. Finally,
they said that I need to get the XP Home Edition disc and re-install it.
Well, my computer is 6 years old abd Sony Vaio doesn't give you the disc when
you buy it. They said that I would be able to reinstall XP Home Edition
WITHOUT losing any of my data.
So, I had to buy the XP Home Edition. I bought it from an E-Bay seller. He
sent the Pro edition, so I had to return it because it said I would lose my
data if I installed it. I was assured by these Microsoft techs if I bought
the same edition (XP Home Edition) I would not lose my data. It wouldn't try
to "reformat" the drive.
Well, this afternoon I just go the XP Home Edition in the mail, put it in,
and it says that C drive either has something incompatible with XP, hasn't
been formatted, etc. etc. It won't let me install on D drive. But, it says if
installed it will need to format the drive and CAUTION ALL data will be
Is there any way to re-install without it losing my data? I think most of
my important data is on D but I know some is still on C too. I'm about to

Any help would be greatly appreciated.