XP Home Edition can no longer see W2K Server


Mark L. Cooper

I use a WIndows XP Home Edition laptop as a workstation on a 10 Mbps network
to connect to a W2K Server set up for simple file and printer sharing. We do
NOT use a domain nor Active Directory.

I can no longer see my W2K Server on the network from my XPHE workstation

I can get out to the internet over a 3COM LAN Modem connected to a 3COM hub.
I can ping the W2K server. (using either the IP address or the server name)
I can ping the LAN Modem
I can log onto the W2K Server console directly using my username and
My network connection icon shows a good connection (at 10Mbps with packets
sent and received).
My IP addressing has not changed.
I'm using static IP addresses.

I've removed and re-installed the Client for Microsoft Networking.
I deleted and re-installed the network card driver.
I tried logging onto the network using another account set-up on the
workstation (and server)... no luck.

This set-up WAS working for the last several months. I was evaluating a VPN
client (SSH Sentinal) and a proxy server (WinRoute) when the problem
ocurred. I installed both of the above programs on the XP HE workstation.
This setup had been working for the last several days.

Any suggestions on what to try next (short of re-installing Windows)?

Thanks in advance,

Bob Willard

Mark said:
I use a WIndows XP Home Edition laptop as a workstation on a 10 Mbps network
to connect to a W2K Server set up for simple file and printer sharing. We do
NOT use a domain nor Active Directory.

I can no longer see my W2K Server on the network from my XPHE workstation

I can get out to the internet over a 3COM LAN Modem connected to a 3COM hub.
I can ping the W2K server. (using either the IP address or the server name)
I can ping the LAN Modem
I can log onto the W2K Server console directly using my username and
My network connection icon shows a good connection (at 10Mbps with packets
sent and received).
My IP addressing has not changed.
I'm using static IP addresses.

I've removed and re-installed the Client for Microsoft Networking.
I deleted and re-installed the network card driver.
I tried logging onto the network using another account set-up on the
workstation (and server)... no luck.

This set-up WAS working for the last several months. I was evaluating a VPN
client (SSH Sentinal) and a proxy server (WinRoute) when the problem
ocurred. I installed both of the above programs on the XP HE workstation.
This setup had been working for the last several days.

Any suggestions on what to try next (short of re-installing Windows)?

Thanks in advance,

Try running system restore to back your XP HE PC to a time prior
to installing those apps you were testing. If you then want to
try network apps, carefully record all of your network settings to
see what those experiments change.

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