Windows XP XP Home and .eml style stationery

Aug 18, 2011
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:(Hi there was hoping that someone could help me here. I started with WINME and thanks to a friend in another forum online, I got interested in stationery in my emails. Took me a bit but I got ok with it. I graduated to 2000 from my daughter but that "bit the dust" and for past 2-3 years I have XP HOME.
I am pretty good snagging jpegs, jiffs etc to use in my emails but had a lovely stationery called EYES from stationery got screwed up in 2000. I was just looking through old forum and noticed its still there. BUT its in .eml form and for some dog gone reason I cannot figure out how to get it to work. Yes it could be just old and xp won't take it but just wondering if someone could tell me step by step on downloading .eml stationery. I do know its usally saved somewhere seperate on computer than reg stationery. I get it that perhaps that one is a no---but still would like a refresher on them. I don't want to change any settings here and did manage to get one to co-operate and stick. I printed out what I learned in many binders( I learned computer on my own by visiting many forums---hence the name lol) but of course, it doesn't apply to XP and although it not drastically important, I really would appreciate some insight:o Thanks for listening
:)Hi thanks for answering....I did find that and read and re-read it. My concern is I don't want to mess up works great other than this one thing and that one thing is not vital to me.
If I had major concerns other then trying a different stationery....I would remedy it in a second. It just seems things much simpler with ME and 2000 lol
Think I will just leave it alone for awhile as there is soo much stationery and jpegs etc; think I will be fine
I appreciate your help though.......have a good week-end!!! :cheers:
Hi there ha ha you know about ABOUT.COM lol That is where I learned most of what I know when I first started with computers. Been there many times over the years lol
As I mentioned in past answer, I don't want to mess with system and am worried about this update thing. I did do first one and reply came back I didn't need to. My OS works great........I am simply fixating on the stationery and don't want to do anything to upset normal routine of the computer.
I just don't recall downloading and using this stationery with soo much aggravation involved lol
Also as I said, think I will leave it be for awhile.....plenty of stationery out there and lots of other stuff for me to learn about the cyber world
Thank-you for your reply