got a new HP Pavilion PC preloaded with XP Home. Only one account on it, and
this has admin rights. I suspect that an Administrator account exists,
because I can't create one... nor can I log in as it must have password set
and I don't know what it is. I suppose the only way to find out what this is
is to go back to the retailer/maufacturer who installed it?
Also, this original preloaded account I have now downgraded to limited, and
create other accoutns with Admin rights... but these new accounts with admin
rights can not open all the files... ie those that belong to the original
user.. the one wiht admin rights that I've now downgraded.
Is this normal for XP Home? Is there a resource somwhere that explains all
this has admin rights. I suspect that an Administrator account exists,
because I can't create one... nor can I log in as it must have password set
and I don't know what it is. I suppose the only way to find out what this is
is to go back to the retailer/maufacturer who installed it?
Also, this original preloaded account I have now downgraded to limited, and
create other accoutns with Admin rights... but these new accounts with admin
rights can not open all the files... ie those that belong to the original
user.. the one wiht admin rights that I've now downgraded.
Is this normal for XP Home? Is there a resource somwhere that explains all