XP has stopped serving outside localhost




I am running XP, SP2 on my dell notebook (inspiron 6000).

I have been happily allowing external connections into my notebook for a
while. I am a web developer and work from home. The clients occassionaly
come to see the progress of their sites.

I am also working with a designer, and he was able to connect to my laptop
just after midnight today. Since then, ALL external connections have just
stopped. I have rebooted a number of times. I have disabled the firewall
(windows firewall). In fact, I have tried a number of things and I just
cannot understand what is going on.

Also, I cannot connect to my notebook from any other computer on my network,
using the internal IP.

I am connected via wifi and have tried changing my IP, but the router keeps
giving me the same IP. I am now also connected by wire with another IP. I
cannot connect from another PC on my network by either IP address. I have
rebooted my modem and my wifi router. I have also swapped out my router.

I have now eliminated IP address problem, ISP, network (as I can connect to
another web server on my network, using my external IP)

This morning, I did try to install filezilla to set up an FTP server for my
designer to connect to. It was after this that I found my serving has
stopped (It is not just web server but ftp, sql, mysql etc. that have all
stopped). I have since uninstalled it.

I can connect to everything fine as localhost, just not via my external IP
address or dynamic dns name. (the dynamic dns works fine to other machines
on my network)

Any ideas on what else I can try. I have spent most of the day so far
working on this and starting to pull my hair out. :-(

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available

Jack \(MS, MVP-Networking\)

It hard to help when there is No info on the Internet connection, the
hardware involved, and whether VPN or other security is involved..
I you use a Router, do you use static IP, or a Router with IP reservation
within the DHCP, so that the computer would have always the same LAN IP and
the ports forwarding would work correctly.
I also think that it is a mistake to use Wireless, or a Laptop for this
purpose. It is much better to use a desktop with cable connection to the
Router and a static IP that is out of the DHCP range.
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)


Hi Jack,

My laptop is my working machine. All my projects are on it. In general, it
is not surfed to by clients, just usually when I am demonstrating something
prior to putting the project live.

Something I have just tried... pinging my laptop from my wifes laptop.
Nothing. request timed out. It is as though there is a firewall blocking all
incoming, however, only the windows firewall is installed and I have
specifically stopped that to check.


My wifi is Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 running DD-WRT v24-sp1 (I have also tried my
older Dell router. Can't remember the model)
My notebook is a Dell inspiron 6000. The wifi card is Intel Pro/Wireless
All my outgoing VPN (windows vpn) are disconnected.
I have cisco vpn installed. However, wether running or not, I still have the
issue. I was getting a TrueVector error in my event log but removing the
older cisco vpn (4.8) and installing version 5 has stopped those errors.
(TrueVector is normally associated with ZoneAlarm, but when I searched
TrueVector, I found that cisco also uses part of it.) Also, I tried the
connections between removing 4.8 and installing 5. Still nothing.
My IP is dynamic. I have tried static though on this particular router, I
couldn't get static working.
I have all the port forwarding correct. I check it regularly, though my IP
address has not changed since I set up the router about 6 weeks ago.

I am still struggling. This was working fine until at least 2am this morning
and has worked like this for the last 3 years or so. The truevector problem
actually started after I discovered the machine wouldn't allow any incoming

This morning, I connected via cisco vpn to a clients network, then installed
filezilla. This was before I noticed that there was a problem, so I don't
know if either of these two events caused it. (I can't imagine cisco vpn
causing it as I had been using that for a while). Removing filezilla didn't

Any help would be very much appreciated.
Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available


If this helps (and I am not sure wether it does...)

route print shows

Interface List
0x1 ........................... MS TCP Loopback interface
0x2 ...00 14 22 ed 2c 58 ...... Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller -
erministic Network Enhancer Miniport
0x3 ...00 16 6f c9 45 37 ...... Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
- Deterministic Network Enhancer Miniport
0x4 ...00 10 60 a8 30 0a ...... Bluetooth LAN Access Server Driver -
ic Network Enhancer Miniport
Active Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 25 1 25 25 25 25 1 2 1 4 1
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available


Sorted now...

Thanks for your help, but this is one of those that could have been very
difficult to find.

Yesterday, I had to re-install the cisco vpn client due to truevector
errors. Cisco VPN then seemed quite happy, however, this morning, it
wouldn't connect. I was getting a 442 error.

I ended up uninstalling then re-installing cisco vpn. Now, I can VPN
happily, so, I then tried coming back into my machine again. Woohoo. I can
now come back to my machine.

So, I am thinking... it sounds like FileZilla screwed up my Cisco VPN
client, which in turn locked all incoming connections but allowed outgoing.
The TrueVector was a clue... that will do a lockdown, just like it does when
I connect to the VPN. When I upgraded initially to cisco vpn client 5.0, it
looks like it didn't cleanly remove the older version.

I just hope this information will help others in the future. (If it does,
please let me know... do the obvious removal of bits from my email address
to respond.)

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available

Jack \(MVP-Networking\).

Glad you solve it.
In any case in general my comment about Wireless and Laptop used was this
purpose stand.
Wireless is not always stable and can be problematic due to environmental
electrical noise that is beyond your control.
Laptops with all their power saving and reduced Power are not so great for
such tasks either.
That said I am not saying that your system does not work, I just think that
you take unnecessary risk with an arrangement.
Take care
Jack (MS, MVP-Networking)


Hi Jack,

I do understand where you are coming from. In my case, my laptop is not a
'live' webserver, just my development machine. Most of the time, I know when
someone is coming in so the connection is not business critical. The
convenience of a portable machine and the wifi far outweigh the downsides to
having it this way.

If that were to be the case, I would be utilising my live webserver
(external, leased box) a lot more.

I am currently working from home, but quite often, I work on client sites.
It is at those times that I don't want to be lugging in a desktop to get
access to my source code for revision or re-use purposes.

Best regards,
Dave Colliver.
http://www.FOCUSPortals.com - Local franchises available

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