XP hangs



I have a Dell Latitude C810 laptop running Win Xp every now and then it just
locks up. I am unable to use the keyboard or mouse if attached. I then have
to power down and restart, There appears to be no pattern to when it
hangs/locks up.
Any Thoughts

Colin Barnhorst

You may have a ram module going bad. Check the Dell site for a diagnostic

Philip Andrews

Hi there,

Dennis Chung said:
You could also try a couple of RAM testers.
Grab them below.



/Dennis Chung

One other thing you might try is setting the 'Quick Test' to 'disabled'
in the BIOS setup. If the memory count-up then runs around more than 3 or 4
times before dropping through to allow boot-up to proceed, that might give
you a hint that all is not well in that department. Also, it might be an
idea to try to find out whose RAM your motherboard can accept - and whether
more than one RAM source (e.g. Kingston and Samsung, for instance) have been
mixed in adjacent slots - becasue some motherboards might not accept such a
mixture. Use full ESD precautions when you take the beast apart - or use a
technician who knows why he should.

Good luck


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