XP Freezing



When I turn on my computer - XP is freezing at the blue
screen you get before your list of users pops up.... I
cannot do anything from here except turn off manually.
When I restart, the same thing happens each time! HELP.

Harry Ohrn

Can you boot to the Advanced Bootmenu? Press the F8 key repeatedly while
restarting the computer. You should get to a white on black screen with
several boot options. Use the arrow key to select Last Known Good
Configuration and press the Enter Key. Hopefully that will restore a working
registry and get you up and running. If not then take the same route to get
to the boot menu. This time select Safe Mode and see if you can boot to the
Safe Mode Desktop. From there go to Programs->Accessories->System
Tools->System Restore. Follow the wizard to roll your system back to a date
when the system was working. Do not go back too far just to the latest date
you have where you believe the system was running correctly.

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