XP Firewall "Corrupted WMI"?



x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to the 'properties' tab in Network

2. Purchased Norton AntiVirus and enabled "auto protect" and "email

Today, for reasons unknown:

1. I can't confirm if my XP firewall is still up because when I click the
'advanced' tab in Network Connections I get a "WMI may be corrupted"

2. NAV gives me warnings and won't let me enable "auto protect" or "email

Anyone have any idea what's going on and what might be a resolution? I did
what I could to protect myself, but something apparently is messing with my
XP firewall and NAV install.



WMI (windows management instrumataion) Controls the
startup of you anti-virus and firewall, I can only geuss
on how to fix this, check for any microsoft articles on
it,The first thing I would do is shut off WMI through
admin tools,services and reboot then turn it back on. WMI
is dependant on RPC so be sure that is set to automatic
as well, run sfc /scannow at worst you'll need to do a
repair install Good Luck
One more thing check the depenantices of remote
proceedure call and make sure their on
-----Original Message-----
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to
the 'properties' tab in Network


-----Original Message-----
WMI (windows management instrumataion) Controls the
startup of you anti-virus and firewall, I can only geuss
on how to fix this, check for any microsoft articles on
it,The first thing I would do is shut off WMI through
admin tools,services and reboot then turn it back on. WMI
is dependant on RPC so be sure that is set to automatic
as well, run sfc /scannow at worst you'll need to do a
repair install Good Luck
One more thing check the depenantices of remote
proceedure call and make sure their on

the 'properties' tab in Network a
resolution? I did apparently
is messing with my


disable either XP firewall or Norton firewall. I run XP
firewall and McAfee w/o problem together.
-----Original Message-----
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to
the 'properties' tab in Network

Wesley Vogel

[5281 » Windows XP reports that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) might
be corrupted?
You may receive any of the following error messages in Windows XP:
Unable to view network properties.
Windows cannot display the properties of connection. Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) might be corrupted.
Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32).

If you run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), wmimgmt.msc, you receive:

Failed to connect to local computer due to WMI:Generic failure.
These errors will occur if the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder is

To fix this problem:
1. Use the Start menu to right-click My Computer.
2. Press the Manage item.
3. Double-click Services and Applications in the left-hand pane.
4. Press Services to expand it.
5. Scroll to Windows Management Instrumentation in the right-hand pane and
right-click it.
6. Press Stop.
7. Use Windows Explorer to delete all the files in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
8. Shutdown and restart your computer. The Windows Management Instrumentation
service will start and the files will be re-created.]
I had a problem with WMI, I also had a problem deleting
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository. I had to run Error Checking (Chkdsk).
And then try to delete the file. C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\Repository\FS.
Courtesy of Kelly T. @ http://www.kellys-korner.com/
[Windows Management Instrumentation - WinMgmt could not initialize the core
Go to Start/Run/CMD and then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

This may or may not repair the repository but will re-install wmi into the


x-no-archive: yes

Wes (and others) first off, "thanks" for your help.

Unfortunately, none of the solutions worked.

Question (before I run a recovery and restore my computer to the day I got

Do I need WMI? Are there other firewalls / antivirus programs that I can
obtain that can work around the WMI and RPC issue?

If I'm never going to need WMI or RPC and if I can get alternative
protection (McAfee?) then I don't need to take drastic action. Or do I?


Wesley Vogel said:
[5281 » Windows XP reports that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) might
be corrupted?
You may receive any of the following error messages in Windows XP:
Unable to view network properties.
Windows cannot display the properties of connection. Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) might be corrupted.
Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32).

If you run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), wmimgmt.msc, you receive:

Failed to connect to local computer due to WMI:Generic failure.
These errors will occur if the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder is

To fix this problem:
1. Use the Start menu to right-click My Computer.
2. Press the Manage item.
3. Double-click Services and Applications in the left-hand pane.
4. Press Services to expand it.
5. Scroll to Windows Management Instrumentation in the right-hand pane and
right-click it.
6. Press Stop.
7. Use Windows Explorer to delete all the files in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
8. Shutdown and restart your computer. The Windows Management Instrumentation
service will start and the files will be re-created.]
I had a problem with WMI, I also had a problem deleting
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository. I had to run Error Checking (Chkdsk).
And then try to delete the file. C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\Repository\FS.
Courtesy of Kelly T. @ http://www.kellys-korner.com/
[Windows Management Instrumentation - WinMgmt could not initialize the core
Go to Start/Run/CMD and then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

This may or may not repair the repository but will re-install wmi into the
Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to the 'properties' tab in Network

2. Purchased Norton AntiVirus and enabled "auto protect" and "email

Today, for reasons unknown:

1. I can't confirm if my XP firewall is still up because when I click the
'advanced' tab in Network Connections I get a "WMI may be corrupted"

2. NAV gives me warnings and won't let me enable "auto protect" or "email

Anyone have any idea what's going on and what might be a resolution? I did
what I could to protect myself, but something apparently is messing with my
XP firewall and NAV install.



x-no-archive: yes

I'm not running Norton firewall. Can't tell if I'm still running XP
firewall as I can't get into the preferences as WMI is not functioning.


x-no-archive: yes

Went there but there wasn't anything that I could understand. SFC is set to
"automatic" and is functioning but the dependency to WMI is dead. Help.


Wesley Vogel

WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation = Provides a common interface and
object model to access management information about operating system, devices,
applications and services. If this service is stopped, most Windows-based
software will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services
that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
[If you don't want your computer to work, set this to Disabled.] The Elder
[This service is required if you want to see the "Dependencies" tab in
service configuration and you want everything to go smoothly. I do not recommend
disabling this service as strange things may start to happen.] Black Viper
RPC = Remote Procedure Call
[Nobody is exactly sure what this service does, but kill it off and watch
your system quickly die. It's a fact that a multitude of the other services
depend on this service running.] The Elder Geek
[This service is rather vital. Practically everything depends on this
service to be running. This is also the only service that you cannot disable via
the Services MMC. Previously, if you disabled this service in Windows 2000, your
computer would become unbootable. What I am trying to tell you is leave this
service on automatic and absolutely DO NOT disable it. If, for whatever reason,
the service became disabled and you can no longer boot your system, please read
the information here for a way to fix it.] Black Viper
If you do not plan on using RPC or WMI you might as well restore your
machine to the day BEFORE you got it. i.e. Put it back in the box.
Restore Point Creation Takes Up to 10 Minutes if the WMI Service Is Not Running
[SFC is set to"automatic" and is functioning but the dependency to WMI is dead.]
SFC is System File Checker. Where at do you have this set to auto?
System File Checker (sfc)
In order for Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) to work it NEEDS to have these
Services running (Automatic):
Application Layer Gateway Service
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Remote Access Connection Manager
{These are all listed under the Dependencies tab of ICF}
Using the Internet Connection Firewall
Use the Internet Connection Firewall
Internet Firewalls
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Firewall on Microsoft® Windows® XP
I see that you are using Outlook Express, so do NOT enable E-mail scanning,
this can cause problems with OE.
Two ways to see if ICF is running. One, Start/Run/Type: msconfig /ENTER/
Services tab/Status column. Two, Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative
Tools/Services/Status column. I imagine that you can see if ICF is running
under Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + Del), I don't know since I use Zone Alarm.
Services information:



Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Wes (and others) first off, "thanks" for your help.

Unfortunately, none of the solutions worked.

Question (before I run a recovery and restore my computer to the day I got

Do I need WMI? Are there other firewalls / antivirus programs that I can
obtain that can work around the WMI and RPC issue?

If I'm never going to need WMI or RPC and if I can get alternative
protection (McAfee?) then I don't need to take drastic action. Or do I?


Wesley Vogel said:
[5281 » Windows XP reports that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
might be corrupted?
You may receive any of the following error messages in Windows XP:
Unable to view network properties.
Windows cannot display the properties of connection. Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) might be corrupted.
Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32).

If you run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), wmimgmt.msc, you

Failed to connect to local computer due to WMI:Generic failure.
These errors will occur if the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder
is damaged.

To fix this problem:
1. Use the Start menu to right-click My Computer.
2. Press the Manage item.
3. Double-click Services and Applications in the left-hand pane.
4. Press Services to expand it.
5. Scroll to Windows Management Instrumentation in the right-hand pane and
right-click it.
6. Press Stop.
7. Use Windows Explorer to delete all the files in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
8. Shutdown and restart your computer. The Windows Management Instrumentation
service will start and the files will be re-created.]
I had a problem with WMI, I also had a problem deleting
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository. I had to run Error Checking (Chkdsk).
And then try to delete the file. C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\Repository\FS.
Courtesy of Kelly T. @ http://www.kellys-korner.com/
[Windows Management Instrumentation - WinMgmt could not initialize the core
Go to Start/Run/CMD and then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

This may or may not repair the repository but will re-install wmi into the
Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to the 'properties' tab in Network

2. Purchased Norton AntiVirus and enabled "auto protect" and "email

Today, for reasons unknown:

1. I can't confirm if my XP firewall is still up because when I click the
'advanced' tab in Network Connections I get a "WMI may be corrupted"

2. NAV gives me warnings and won't let me enable "auto protect" or "email

Anyone have any idea what's going on and what might be a resolution? I did
what I could to protect myself, but something apparently is messing with my
XP firewall and NAV install.



x-no-archive: yes

Thanks for the advice......even though I created restore points personally
back in November, the restore feature is only letting me get at ones made

Looks like a system restore for me. Any tips as to how to do it so that I
don't lose my files.....just the programs?


Wesley Vogel said:
WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation = Provides a common interface and
object model to access management information about operating system, devices,
applications and services. If this service is stopped, most Windows-based
software will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services
that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
[If you don't want your computer to work, set this to Disabled.] The Elder
[This service is required if you want to see the "Dependencies" tab in
service configuration and you want everything to go smoothly. I do not recommend
disabling this service as strange things may start to happen.] Black Viper
RPC = Remote Procedure Call
[Nobody is exactly sure what this service does, but kill it off and watch
your system quickly die. It's a fact that a multitude of the other services
depend on this service running.] The Elder Geek
[This service is rather vital. Practically everything depends on this
service to be running. This is also the only service that you cannot disable via
the Services MMC. Previously, if you disabled this service in Windows 2000, your
computer would become unbootable. What I am trying to tell you is leave this
service on automatic and absolutely DO NOT disable it. If, for whatever reason,
the service became disabled and you can no longer boot your system, please read
the information here for a way to fix it.] Black Viper
If you do not plan on using RPC or WMI you might as well restore your
machine to the day BEFORE you got it. i.e. Put it back in the box.
Restore Point Creation Takes Up to 10 Minutes if the WMI Service Is Not Running
[SFC is set to"automatic" and is functioning but the dependency to WMI is dead.]
SFC is System File Checker. Where at do you have this set to auto?
System File Checker (sfc)
In order for Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) to work it NEEDS to have these
Services running (Automatic):
Application Layer Gateway Service
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Remote Access Connection Manager
{These are all listed under the Dependencies tab of ICF}
Using the Internet Connection Firewall
Use the Internet Connection Firewall
Internet Firewalls
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Firewall on Microsoft® Windows® XP
I see that you are using Outlook Express, so do NOT enable E-mail scanning,
this can cause problems with OE.
Two ways to see if ICF is running. One, Start/Run/Type: msconfig /ENTER/
Services tab/Status column. Two, Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative
Tools/Services/Status column. I imagine that you can see if ICF is running
under Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + Del), I don't know since I use Zone Alarm.
Services information:



Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Wes (and others) first off, "thanks" for your help.

Unfortunately, none of the solutions worked.

Question (before I run a recovery and restore my computer to the day I got

Do I need WMI? Are there other firewalls / antivirus programs that I can
obtain that can work around the WMI and RPC issue?

If I'm never going to need WMI or RPC and if I can get alternative
protection (McAfee?) then I don't need to take drastic action. Or do I?


Wesley Vogel said:
[5281 » Windows XP reports that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
might be corrupted?
You may receive any of the following error messages in Windows XP:
Unable to view network properties.
Windows cannot display the properties of connection. Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) might be corrupted.
Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32).

If you run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), wmimgmt.msc, you

Failed to connect to local computer due to WMI:Generic failure.
These errors will occur if the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder
is damaged.

To fix this problem:
1. Use the Start menu to right-click My Computer.
2. Press the Manage item.
3. Double-click Services and Applications in the left-hand pane.
4. Press Services to expand it.
5. Scroll to Windows Management Instrumentation in the right-hand pane and
right-click it.
6. Press Stop.
7. Use Windows Explorer to delete all the files in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
8. Shutdown and restart your computer. The Windows Management Instrumentation
service will start and the files will be re-created.]
I had a problem with WMI, I also had a problem deleting
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository. I had to run Error Checking (Chkdsk).
And then try to delete the file. C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\Repository\FS.
Courtesy of Kelly T. @ http://www.kellys-korner.com/
[Windows Management Instrumentation - WinMgmt could not initialize the core
Go to Start/Run/CMD and then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

This may or may not repair the repository but will re-install wmi into the
Hope this helps. Let us know.

In SAR I <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to the 'properties' tab in Network

2. Purchased Norton AntiVirus and enabled "auto protect" and "email

Today, for reasons unknown:

1. I can't confirm if my XP firewall is still up because when I click the
'advanced' tab in Network Connections I get a "WMI may be corrupted"

2. NAV gives me warnings and won't let me enable "auto protect" or "email

Anyone have any idea what's going on and what might be a resolution? I did
what I could to protect myself, but something apparently is messing with my
XP firewall and NAV install.


Wesley Vogel

You're welcome. From my experience, back up to CD or 3½" disk. Also from
my experience, AFTER you do all that, you'll know what to backup next time. :blush:)
I just did a Repair Install, you will lose a bunch of settings and gain
Services running that you will have to reconfigure.
Warning! Should you do a repair install; and is it the best choice?

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

How to Repair Install: (also called "In place reinstall")
http://www.webtree.ca/windowsxp/rep...s XP by Installing Over top of Existing Setup:
[Repair Install
If XP is corrupted to the point where none of the previous solutions get it to
you can do a Repair Install that might work as well as keep the current
1) Make sure you have your valid WindowsXP key
2) Insert and boot from your WindowsXP CD
3) At the second R=Repair option, press the R key
4) This will start the repair
5) Eventually you will be prompted for your XP key]
Good luck! Have fun! And don't swear too much!! :blush:)
Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Thanks for the advice......even though I created restore points personally
back in November, the restore feature is only letting me get at ones made

Looks like a system restore for me. Any tips as to how to do it so that I
don't lose my files.....just the programs?


Wesley Vogel said:
WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation = Provides a common interface and
object model to access management information about operating system,
devices, applications and services. If this service is stopped, most
Windows-based software will not function properly. If this service is
disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
[If you don't want your computer to work, set this to Disabled.] The
Elder Geek
[This service is required if you want to see the "Dependencies" tab in
service configuration and you want everything to go smoothly. I do not
recommend disabling this service as strange things may start to happen.]
Black Viper ----
RPC = Remote Procedure Call
[Nobody is exactly sure what this service does, but kill it off and watch
your system quickly die. It's a fact that a multitude of the other services
depend on this service running.] The Elder Geek
[This service is rather vital. Practically everything depends on this
service to be running. This is also the only service that you cannot disable
via the Services MMC. Previously, if you disabled this service in Windows
2000, your computer would become unbootable. What I am trying to tell you is
leave this service on automatic and absolutely DO NOT disable it. If, for
whatever reason, the service became disabled and you can no longer boot your
system, please read the information here for a way to fix it.] Black Viper
If you do not plan on using RPC or WMI you might as well restore your
machine to the day BEFORE you got it. i.e. Put it back in the box.
Restore Point Creation Takes Up to 10 Minutes if the WMI Service Is Not
----- [SFC is set to"automatic" and is functioning but the dependency to WMI
is dead.] SFC is System File Checker. Where at do you have this set to auto?
In order for Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) to work it NEEDS to have
these Services running (Automatic):
Application Layer Gateway Service
Network Connections
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Remote Access Connection Manager
{These are all listed under the Dependencies tab of ICF}
Using the Internet Connection Firewall
Use the Internet Connection Firewall
Internet Firewalls
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Firewall on Microsoft® Windows® XP
I see that you are using Outlook Express, so do NOT enable E-mail
scanning, this can cause problems with OE.
Two ways to see if ICF is running. One, Start/Run/Type: msconfig
/ENTER/ Services tab/Status column. Two, Start/Settings/Control
Panel/Administrative Tools/Services/Status column. I imagine that you can
see if ICF is running under Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + Del), I don't know
since I use Zone Alarm. =====
Services information:



Hope this helps. Let us know.

SAR I said:
x-no-archive: yes

Wes (and others) first off, "thanks" for your help.

Unfortunately, none of the solutions worked.

Question (before I run a recovery and restore my computer to the day I got

Do I need WMI? Are there other firewalls / antivirus programs that I can
obtain that can work around the WMI and RPC issue?

If I'm never going to need WMI or RPC and if I can get alternative
protection (McAfee?) then I don't need to take drastic action. Or do I?


[5281 » Windows XP reports that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
might be corrupted?
You may receive any of the following error messages in Windows XP:
Unable to view network properties.
Windows cannot display the properties of connection. Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) might be corrupted.
Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32).

If you run Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), wmimgmt.msc, you

Failed to connect to local computer due to WMI:Generic failure.
These errors will occur if the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder
is damaged.

To fix this problem:
1. Use the Start menu to right-click My Computer.
2. Press the Manage item.
3. Double-click Services and Applications in the left-hand pane.
4. Press Services to expand it.
5. Scroll to Windows Management Instrumentation in the right-hand pane and
right-click it.
6. Press Stop.
7. Use Windows Explorer to delete all the files in the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
8. Shutdown and restart your computer. The Windows Management
Instrumentation service will start and the files will be re-created.]
I had a problem with WMI, I also had a problem deleting
%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository. I had to run Error Checking
(Chkdsk). And then try to delete the file. C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\Repository\FS.
Courtesy of Kelly T. @ http://www.kellys-korner.com/
[Windows Management Instrumentation - WinMgmt could not initialize the core
Go to Start/Run/CMD and then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

This may or may not repair the repository but will re-install wmi into the
Hope this helps. Let us know.

In SAR I <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
x-no-archive: yes

Two weeks ago I followed the good advice found in this group and:

1. Enabled my XP's firewall by going to the 'properties' tab in Network

2. Purchased Norton AntiVirus and enabled "auto protect" and "email

Today, for reasons unknown:

1. I can't confirm if my XP firewall is still up because when I click the
'advanced' tab in Network Connections I get a "WMI may be corrupted"

2. NAV gives me warnings and won't let me enable "auto protect" or "email

Anyone have any idea what's going on and what might be a resolution? I did
what I could to protect myself, but something apparently is messing with
my XP firewall and NAV install.


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