Windows XP XP emachine ethernet controller

Dec 2, 2008
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I am looking for a bit of advice with connecting an emachine e4026 to broadband with BT. Basically after going through the setup it says that there is no ethernet controller. When I go into system devices and look at the ethernet controller there is none installed . I only have the emachine setup disk which does not seem to have the controller . can anybody help?
Hi and welcome to the forum

Go here for your Controller driver, if you can't find it on there, I suggest contacting the eMachine Technical Support via this link and they will steer you in the direction of their FTP site where you can download the drivers that you need...
Thats an older emachine and it may not have a network card in it. If there is a network card there, it either must be listed under network cards or, unknown devices. I'd suggest that the easiest thing to do would be for you to go out and either buy a USB / Ethernet adapter or a PCI Ethernet Card (if you feel comfortable installing a card inside the PC. Here in the US, that would be about $35 us.