XP Constant Reboot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raytonium
  • Start date Start date


I have an Alienware laptop w/ raid array HD. Today while on the internet, I
got a quick flash of a virus warning, then BSOD (0x0000007e) and shutdown.
Now it won't boot, not even into safe mode. I haven't added any new hardware
or updated any drivers recently, so I'm thinking it is virus related.

Some net research looks like I can use the Recovery Console to replace some
missing or corrupted startup files. Can I do a full recovery and still keep
my settings and files intact or is it a destructive recovery?

I have the Alienware Respawn dvd at home, but this will wipe my drive of all
data. I want to try and get my computer working as it did and not start from
scratch. I tried a Live Linux boot cd but my HD's didn't show up--is that
because of the raid setup?

Thanks in advance for any help.
raid arrays are passé for the home user
since terabyte drives are available.

however, sometimes rebooting requires the
command fixboot to stop the booting
from cycling.

also I would also run a chkdsk /r
from the recovery console before
the fixboot.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
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- @Hotmail.com
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