XP computer hangs indefinitely up upon switching users



I currently have two user accounts set up on my machine. One for myself
(administrator) and one for my kids. Up until yesterday there was never a
problem switching users. Now upon attempting to switch the computer just
hangs up and never switches users. I attempted to switch last night before
bed. I put in the password for my kids account and went to bed. Upon waking
up it still had never switched. It was hung up on the "Welcome" screen all
night long. I had to manually shut the machine down.


Sudden problems, especially with kids on the system, are usually due to
spyware/malware. You can get a free online scan at

Good luck! It's a constant battle with my kids (they won - I gave up and
got them their own, heavily protected system).

- John


I'm pretty confident that's not the problem as I'm pretty anal about computer
security. They don't spend lenghty amounts of time on the computer. When they
do its usually just to type a school paper or something. I can't even logon
to the "guest" account which I just recently activated.

Problem not solved.


I've got the same problem just started but for some reason there are no
system restore points available either.
When it first started I did a restore to about three days prior but it
didn't help. I wanted to do a deeper restore but they've all gone.

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