Wayne D said:
InCtrl5 has a problem processing the registry on Win XP.
I wish that there was a way to disable the registry monitoring. I have
not found a utility that presents the changes to the file system like
InCtrl5 which IMO is the best that I have ever seen.
Wayne, something to try out. Put a copy of the Inctrl5 exe into a new
directory. Maybe copy your ini there too, so you can keep your file
system monitoring preferences. Then, before you launch, edit the ini.
Wipe out whatever you have in the [Regs] section, those settings for
reg keys to ignore. Instead replace with root keys. Something like:
You need to edit the ini directly because it won't let you enter root
branches via its interface.
The above /seems/ to work, here on w98. However, I have put the idea into
testing for a total now, of like 5 minutes... So at this early juncture,
I cannot guarantee that Inctrl does not end up stumbling somewhere down
the road, when being set up in that manner. If you give it a go, perhaps
you'll report, somewhere down the road, on success/fail?
. . . .
I have been trying out, after it was mentioned in ACF a couple of
months ago, the Inctrl companion utility: ChkCtrl5.
Regarding the undo registry files ChkCtrl makes, that is broken.
For example, one of its problems is it fails to process any keys
that have numeric tails. If you try to rely on ChkCtrl, you will
end up with a large amount of extra garbage in your registry.
Where I have found ChkCtrl5 useful is for its creation of undo
bat files. For newly added files, it creates a bat with "DEL
c:\path\newfile.dll" lines. (I usually SR & change the del to
move.) ChkCtrl5 has saved me time here.
Before ChkCtrl, there were many times where taking my Inctrl
rpts and trying to copy filenames for my FND box had often been
a manual, clumsy process.