Workstations not logging on to Windows 2000 Domain.
Our company has a Netware 5.1 domain and a Windows 2000
Client machines have 'Client for Microsoft Networks',
and 'Novell Cleint for Windows'. At login, a Novell
login screen prompts for a username and password. There
are several tabs on the login screen that include logging
into the client. There is no tab for logging into
Windows 2000. Once logged into XP using ctrl-alt-delete
shows netware login info and Windows XP login info, but
no Windows 2000 login info.
What needs to occur in order to log into the Windows 2000
Our company has a Netware 5.1 domain and a Windows 2000
Client machines have 'Client for Microsoft Networks',
and 'Novell Cleint for Windows'. At login, a Novell
login screen prompts for a username and password. There
are several tabs on the login screen that include logging
into the client. There is no tab for logging into
Windows 2000. Once logged into XP using ctrl-alt-delete
shows netware login info and Windows XP login info, but
no Windows 2000 login info.
What needs to occur in order to log into the Windows 2000