Windows XP xp clean install - still have problems

Jun 4, 2005
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Hi, I posted two weeks ago regarding problems with a repair installation of XP Home. I tried two of these and still got lockups and problems booting up.
I decided to do a clean install. I followed the procedure correctly- XP, motherboard drivers, video card, sound card, modem, SP2 , XP updates. I rebooted or swiched off with each installation. Everything went fine intiatally. On the second day when I powered up. No POST beep. Pressed restart - nothing. Inserted XP CD and switched off at mains. Restarted with installation CD in and it booted up fine. I uninstalled the last program which had been installed. (Adobe Acrobat 6.0). Rebooted. Went online - freeze up. Restarted without the installation CD. Everything seems to work fine. Booted up today and everything seems to work ok.
I have Spyware Blaster 3.4 installed and AVG Virus. I installed and ran A squared - it tells me I have Riskware-
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KILLAPPS.EXE. I have searched the net and can't find anything that says it is dangerous and wether I should remove it.

What could have caused this problem?
I have attached a .doc file with my system and application details.
Thanks for any help or advice.


Thanks for your reply. I am not sure what you mean by boot sequence. Could you explain?
On start-up press F8>set your boot sequence as follows 1st HDD 2nd CD-ROM or DVD-ROM 3rd floppy [if you have one] enable all other devices>save your settings F10.
carry on.
F8 takes me into the "windows advanced options" mode. Sorry but i don't know which to choose to be able to reset the boot sequence.
Do you have a Creative Labs sound card? - Killapps.exe is part of their 2k/XP drivers, see here.
Try this on start-up press F2> that takes you to your BIOS settings>choose BOOT sequence in advanced and set them as I have explained.
Why not just set the boot sequence in the Bios?

Assuming the Bios can be entered, that is.

And from the opening post, it seems that all is running fine now?

The problem described, no start beep, means the machine wouldn't even POST, which suggests a hardware problem to me.

If it's running OK, I'd say let sleeping dogs lie, if it occurs again, come back.
Sorry for the delay as I had to go ou.t Thank you for all your replies.
1. ITsme - I managed to get into the bios and change the boot sequence as you directed. It was Delete not F2 so that took me even longer. HOwever, the first two times I restarted with the intention of getting into the bios there was no POST beep but it booted normally? When I did change the settings it booted normally.

The reason I posted is that although everything is working ok now why did I get the non-boot and the lockup after I had done the clean install. Re floppybootstamp comment about sleeping dogs- mI have had problems with this machine since I got it . This is the seventh clean install . Works fine for a few months then lockups after boot up. Can't restart, have to switch off at mains have to boot with installation disc in. After several attempts it work fine for a few days.

Re the sound card. Many times I thought it was the Soundblaster drivers and applications. Many install, unistalls. Bought the EMU 0404. Supposed to be professional standard though inexpensive. Still took two installations to get it right so I could adjust sound levels.

Can it be a hardware problem as floppybootstomp suggested. And how do you go about finding out what it is. Or who do you get to fix it? I attached my system spec in my first post. Can you make any suggestions about that?
Thanks again
getting worse

I reset the boot procedure as directed. Booted ok the first time. Had to go out so closed down. When I started up again it booted into windows but almost immediately froze. Pressed restart button - nothing. Switched off at mains. Powered on with installation CD. Booted ok, went online, froze. Pressed restart, no POST beep but it booted up ok!!?? That has never happened before.
First of all what make is your PC?

As I had the same problem on a HP IEXTREME

So I removed all unnecessary components and programs Nero etc: it took quite a long time, DON’T go online while you do this.

I then installed them one at a time and, used the PC for a few hours before, installing each other program.

I am not saying it is the case with your PC but the problem with mine was conflicts between XP SP2 and Zone alarm.

What I did was this entered Windows security unchecked the MS XP firewall and all was then fine so that was the problem.
DONT forget to leave the other firewall running.

Start > settings>control>security, uncheck firewall.

That PC is still working fine.

So the bottom line suggests your programs/components are causing a conflict and/or faulty.
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Thanks again Itsme.

1.The PC was put together by a local shop.

2. Please define components. Do you mean sound card, video card? Do you mean take them out or uninstall them?

3. Uninstall all programs except XP, XP2 and the other Windows updates? Even ones that I know have never caused any conflict.
4. What is the "other" firewall?
5. In general is it a good idea or necessary to disable the virus checker before installing a program.
6. After the clean install I did as you say- installed one program and rebooted , used for a few hours and then another.
When I installed Nero 6 I got a message that it conflicted with SP2. You are supposed to download a fix but as it was 32MB and I don't have broadband so I don1.'t how I willl get around that.
7. Is what you are describing the same as what floppybootstomp refers to as a hardware conflict? I get confused with some of this terminology.
I hope you can bear to answer all these questions.
1 The main components you need are the essential ones, graphics card for your monitor, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, and of course you’re PC itself.

You can remove the sound card this is obviously for sound, so remove that as you state in one reply you are a bit suspicious of the drivers [SoundBlaster] take that out first and then try the PC if it then works you know that it is that.

2 By programs I mean Adobe/Nero/photo Etc: That sort of thing is software, which is a program and can be uninstalled and reinstalled if it is found not to be the problem.

Hardware/peripherals are mouse/keyboard/printer/scanner/ Etc:

Components are, motherboard /processor /hard drive/ CD-ROM /DVD-ROM /graphics /memory /PC case sound card Etc:

I know it is confusing but we all have to learn, believe me NO ONE knows every thing about a PC.

If they say that they do they are mistaken. ;)

I have plenty of patience so dont worry.:p
Because I have pressing music work that requires midi to complete I wasn't prepared to remove the sound card at the moment. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the sound card drivers and EMU patchmix application. Inclusing the updates to both. (driver means software means application is that right? How does "driver" differ from software and application).

Then I uninstalled Nero 6 and installed an earlier version. Rebooting and switching off after every change. Every thing work perfectly, and the machine always booted up properly even after switching on.
But, this morning it wouldn't boot up at power on, I restarted after which it booted up and then froze. Then I had to use the XP CD to boot up. This always seems to be the way it works. It will work fine all one day event if I turn the machine off. But the following morning the problems appear. So it will take some time to ascertain what is the problem. I will have to follow your instructions to the letter. There never is a shortcut when you need it.

Is it possible for the machine to be tested to make sure every component is functioning electrically?

I would really like to have that PC in front of me and find the problem, the little bugger.;)
What I mean is take the sound card out and then try the PC for a few days without the sound card, or try another sound card but if it were not the sound card then you would have wasted your money.

Software is a program IE: Nero/photo print/Adobe Etc:

A driver is what enables a component/hardware to function IE: sound card/DVD-Drive Etc:

It appears you have a conflict with either programs/drivers as you say it functions when you insert the XP disc and will run all day until you shut down, then after a period of time it will not run until you insert the XP disc, so by removing the sound card you will then be satisfied whether that is the problem.

It is quite obvious that your PC components are fine IE motherboard/ram/processor/hard drive/DVD-Rom/ Etc: as if they were not it would be unlikely to boot up at all.
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Checking you computer hardware/components

  • If you computer icon is on the desktop right click.
  • If it is not go to start>settings>control panel>system double click to open.
  • Open properties >hardware>device manager>
  • You will now see a window, which contains your PC and all the components.
  • At the left hand side you will see a list with + at the side.
  • Now choose the component you need to check, for example DVD/CD Rom.
  • Click the + this opens a list of what is installed on you PC.
  • Choose the one you now need to check and right click.
  • Choose properties when the window opens it will display the device and its status [this device is working properly] or not.:)
I have tried System Properties/Device Manager. The "device is working properly" applies to everything. So I will take out the sound card. Will get back to you in a couple of days.
Thanks again,