XP can't be seen on W2K Server



This is a strange one. I've just setup an XP Pro client
on our W2K Srvr domain. The XP client can logon and
network drive mappings all work fine. Interent
connection is fine too. Our LAN is setup to use DHCP. I
can ping it from the server and the XP Client can ping
the server. However, When I search for the "computer
name" from the server it cannot be found. I also
searched for the IP and no dice. What am I missing?
This seems to be isolated to XP b/c all of my other 22
W2K clients work fine. I need this b/c I can't install
Norton AV Corperate if I can't see the computer from the
server. I have 10 of these to do and I didn't want to
spend the time to wipe off XP and put W2K on.

My 0.2 cents: XP is fine if your not using it on a
network. I haven't found one single advantage in XP and
wouldn't reccomend anyone switching to it.

Anyone out there run into this? Please Help! I'm so
confused & frustrated with XP. Thanks in advance for
your help!

Robert L [MS-MVP]

have you enabled the file and printer sharing? what do you get if using net
view \\xpname?

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Robert Lin, MS-MVP, MCSE & CNE
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.


Doh ! I had an ID-10-T error.(IDIOT) Did ya ever have
one of those days were you feel like an idiot? I'm
having one right now. I thought I had already enabled
Thank you Robert.

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