XP and IE 7


Ronald Singer

I am using XP Home service pack 2 and IE 7. I use Zone Alarm and McAfee for
protection. I have tried everything I can think of in all 4 programs and I
cannot get IE 7 to download Adobe Flash software nor will it let me view
anything in the Flash format. I have also noticed even though I have Java
on my computer it will not run any thing in IE 7. What is causing this and
can it be fixed so I can use something other than Windows format for
pictures? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I know this would be better in a IE 7 newsgroup but I can not find one so I
am doing the best I can.


Hi, I had the same problem and found somewhere there was a problem with the
latest flash player and IE7. It was suggested that you install Version 8
instead. I tried this and have had no problems since.

I hope this helps.


I am using XP Home service pack 2 and IE 7. I use Zone Alarm and McAfee
for protection. I have tried everything I can think of in all 4 programs
and I cannot get IE 7 to download Adobe Flash software nor will it let me
view anything in the Flash format. I have also noticed even though I have
Java on my computer it will not run any thing in IE 7. What is causing
this and can it be fixed so I can use something other than Windows format
for pictures? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I know this would be better in a IE 7 newsgroup but I can not find one so
I am doing the best I can.

Post IE7 questions in the internet explorer newsgroup. There are quite a
few posts there so peruse them for something on topic before posting a new


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