I just recently reinstalled Windows XP onto my laptop, but I keep getting
activation issues. I tried to activate the computer through phone
assistance. I called the number and followed all the instructions.
Eventually I was given a long number and I typed it into the boxes I was
supposed to. The screen said that I successfully activated it and that I
could click next. After the activation the computer logged off the user. I
clicked on the user and it said that I needed to activate it again. When I
clicked ok it said that it was already activated, but then it logged me off
again. It keeps doing this cycle over and over again. How can I fix this
activation issues. I tried to activate the computer through phone
assistance. I called the number and followed all the instructions.
Eventually I was given a long number and I typed it into the boxes I was
supposed to. The screen said that I successfully activated it and that I
could click next. After the activation the computer logged off the user. I
clicked on the user and it said that I needed to activate it again. When I
clicked ok it said that it was already activated, but then it logged me off
again. It keeps doing this cycle over and over again. How can I fix this