We Live For The One We Die For The One
Just dont want to waste the Cards performance, is 2 Ghz CPu a decent
match, not alot of bottle necking ?
match, not alot of bottle necking ?
A7v266-e, 266 fsb.
Using PC 2100, with a 100mhz overclock
I think you were bonked on the head one too many times while in defense of the 'one'. Overclocking today is sort of 'boring'
where's the challenge? jumpers and software enablebility(word check) whoopee doo OC'n is an overrated pastime..MO of course, comes
from trying to squeeze 12mhz out of a 8mhz 8086..getting there and really thinking your something...ready to hack the planet....but
I digress.....
Want to answer the question or not ?
Wouldn't bother with Jad mate.
He just spent (and may still do but I don't see it anymore) a
lot of time asking questions but never actually trying
anything for himself and then moaning when people tried to
Help with what ?
We Live For The One We Die For The One said:1 Gig of ram man, i remember my Atari St 512k of ram, worked great![]()
Well i was thinking of upgrading to a Barton 2.8 400fsb,
with PC3200 ram.
Or would you recommend a Pentium 4 ? 3.06 with hyper
threading ? and PET what the @((@ is PET anyway ? does it
speed things up ? PET or PAT ?
Ive been jumping from Cyrix to Pentium, to Celeron, to AMD,
might make the jump back to intell what the hell.
Sleepy said:my experience of recent games that use shaders extensively is they really
push the graphics card.
i get poorer performance with my Xp2400 and radeon 9100 than ppl with a
Xp1700 and 9600 in stuff like halo,
knights of the old republic, deus ex: invisible war etc ...
so yes you will see a perfomance gain with a 9800 and make sure you have at
least 512mb of RAM.
1 Gig of ram man, i remember my Atari St 512k of ram, worked great![]()