Xnews- open special



This Xnews funtion works but not too well.

Open Special screen: If I set the upper Start slider to about 30%, and the
End slider at 100%, it takes longer to load, but I do get all the threads
looking normal.

On DUN, I open/shut down Xnews several times a day.

But the above setting is not permanent, I have to reset it frequently.

How to make it permanent?

And is there a direct way to search for a username or subjct name in a


Mike Sa


Open Special screen: If I set the upper Start slider to about 30%,
and the End slider at 100%, it takes longer to load, but I do get
all the threads looking normal.

Takes longer than what?
On DUN, I open/shut down Xnews several times a day.

But the above setting is not permanent, I have to reset it

How to make it permanent?

There's no way to make it permanent. I'm not clear on why you'd want
to re-download 70% of the headers every time you open a group. You
might want to check out the storage options.
And is there a direct way to search for a username or subjct name
in a newsgroup?

If you've already got the headers, there's a quick filter box at the
bottom of the screen for that. There's either an F(rom) or an
S(ubject) to the right of the box; right-clicking that will toggle it.

If your server supports XPAT, you can have it search the group for you
by using Group » XPAT Search.


Takes longer than what?
If it downloads 10 headers, it's quick. If 5000 headers, takes longer.
Waiting is no problem here, I do other things in meantime.
There's no way to make it permanent. I'm not clear on why you'd want
to re-download 70% of the headers every time you open a group. You
might want to check out the storage options.
When Xnews loads, most of the time, the sliders have reset to 0, so I only
see a few headers. I need to see the past few weeks of activity, not just
most recent posts. So I need a permanent setting.
I will look in the help file about storage, then.
If you've already got the headers, there's a quick filter box at the
bottom of the screen for that. There's either an F(rom) or an
S(ubject) to the right of the box; right-clicking that will toggle it.

If your server supports XPAT, you can have it search the group for you
by using Group » XPAT Search.


Mike Sa


This Xnews funtion works but not too well.

Open Special screen: If I set the upper Start slider to about 30%, and
the End slider at 100%, it takes longer to load, but I do get all the
threads looking normal.

On DUN, I open/shut down Xnews several times a day.

But the above setting is not permanent, I have to reset it frequently.

How to make it permanent?
Why not subscribe? It's only one click to subscribe to a group, one clicl
to leave it. (Click "all" at the bottom of the groups window, + to
subscibe, - to leave)

Once subscribed, you will only download new headers. (when leaving a
subscribed group, shiftF8 then F8 marks all read and opens tne next group




Why not subscribe? It's only one click to subscribe to a group, one clicl
to leave it. (Click "all" at the bottom of the groups window, + to
subscibe, - to leave)

Once subscribed, you will only download new headers. (when leaving a
subscribed group, shiftF8 then F8 marks all read and opens tne next group


Thanks, Mike
I use it differently. I only look at ACF and a W2K ng each day, and here on
ACF a program may be listed, it sometimes takes a week for comments on it
to be posted, so I read more then new headers.

Mike Sa


I use it differently. I only look at ACF and a W2K ng each day, and
here on ACF a program may be listed, it sometimes takes a week for
comments on it to be posted, so I read more then new headers.

Alt+K will give you a list of options.

With a Tramp header highlighted, pushing K and entering 0 will get rid of
him forever.


Alt+K will give you a list of options.

With a Tramp header highlighted, pushing K and entering 0 will get rid of
him forever.

Thanks, that's quite a list.

Mike Sa


I only look at ACF and a W2K ng each day, and here on
ACF a program may be listed, it sometimes takes a week for
comments on it to be posted, so I read more then new headers.

In this case, instead of using storage, you might want to just use
Article » Reconstruct Thread to bring individual threads back into
view. Reconstruct Thread works only if the server supports XPAT,
but Get Parent will redownload the immediately previous post unless
it has already expired from the server. (Keys can be assigned to
these functions, but I don't recall what the defaults are.)


In this case, instead of using storage, you might want to just use
Article » Reconstruct Thread to bring individual threads back into
view. Reconstruct Thread works only if the server supports XPAT,
but Get Parent will redownload the immediately previous post unless
it has already expired from the server. (Keys can be assigned to
these functions, but I don't recall what the defaults are.)

Get Parent = Ctrl+BkSp

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