I've just started using managed extensions to write a web service, the
learning curve seems pretty steep! Currently I'm stuck at this bit: my web
service gets a String * of XML data. I want to read this into a DataSet and
validate it against a schema.
I think I need to use DataSet->ReadXML to load it, but I don't know how to
get from a String * to a Stream * (if indeed it needs to be loaded as a
Also, when I imported my schema into the solution, VS.NET 2003 created a
header file and an xsx file, but I'm lost as how I can use these to validate
my DataSet.
learning curve seems pretty steep! Currently I'm stuck at this bit: my web
service gets a String * of XML data. I want to read this into a DataSet and
validate it against a schema.
I think I need to use DataSet->ReadXML to load it, but I don't know how to
get from a String * to a Stream * (if indeed it needs to be loaded as a
Also, when I imported my schema into the solution, VS.NET 2003 created a
header file and an xsx file, but I'm lost as how I can use these to validate
my DataSet.