XML Serialization of custom collection

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I have a custom collection ... clFile that INHERITS from NameObjectCollectionBase the problem is, when I try to create an xmlserializer instance i get an error

You must implement a default accessor on brWAP.clFile because it inherits from ICollectio

I must be having a thick day because I dont have a clue what the error message means. (I have written a defaut property called ITEM in the clFile class
'Here is the code...
'Classes to abstract a FILE entity that is persisted in the databas
Imports System.Xml.Serializatio
Imports dalWAP.dalWA

'A worker class to get the data from the Database and save it bac
Public Class egFil

Sub New(
End Su

'Get a collection of FILE entities from the databas
Public Function GetCollection(Optional ByVal FileID As Integer = -1) As clFil
Dim dsFiles As DataSe
Dim serializer As XmlSerialize

Dim oXML As Xml.XmlDataDocumen
Dim oclFile As clFil

Dim oXMLr As Xml.XmlNodeReade

'this is the line that gives the erro
'You must implement a default accessor on brWAP.clFile because it inherits from ICollection
serializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(clFile)

'Call the data access layer to pysically read from the DB to a datase
dsFiles = GetFiles(FileID

'load the dataset into an xml documen
oXML = New Xml.XmlDataDocument(dsFiles

oXMLr = New Xml.XmlNodeReader(oXML
'deserialise the xml into a collection of FILE entitie
oclFile = CType(serializer.Deserialize(oXMLr), clFile

End Functio

End Clas

'Strongly Typed collection of FILE entitie
Public Class clFil
Inherits System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBas

Public Sub New(
'default constructo
End Su

Public Function Add(ByVal value As cdFile) As Boolea
Me.BaseAdd("_" & value.FileID, value

End Functio

<XmlElementAttribute("cdFile", GetType(cdFile))>
Default Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal Key As String) As cdFil
Return Me.BaseGet("_" & Key
End Ge
End Propert

Public Function ItemAt(ByVal value As Integer) As cdFil
Return Me.BaseGet(value
End Functio

Public Function Remove(ByVal value As Integer) As cdFil
Dim ocdFile As cdFil
ocdFile = Me.Item(value
Me.BaseRemove("_" & value
Remove = ocdFil
ocdFile = Nothin
End Functio

Public Function RemoveAt(ByVal value As Integer) As cdFil
Dim ocdFile As cdFil
ocdFile = Me.ItemAt(value
RemoveAt = ocdFil
ocdFile = Nothin
End Functio

End Clas

'<para>Represents a FILE entity</para
'<para>A FILE entity implemnts a reference to an external file</para
Public Class cdFil
Private mintFileID As Intege
Private mstrTheName As Strin
Private mstrThePath As Strin

Private mblnNew As Boolea
Private mblnDirty As Boolea
Private mblnDeleted As Boolea

Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Intege
Return mintFileID.GetHashCod
End Functio

'<para>If record ID's are equal, objects are equal</para
Overloads Function Equals(ByVal ID As Integer) As Boolea
If mblnNew The
Return Fals
Return (ID = mintFileID
End I
End Functio

Overloads Function Equals(ByVal Test_cdFile As cdFile) As Boolea
If mblnNew The
Return Fals
If Test_cdFile Is Nothing The
Return Fals
Return (mintFileID = Test_cdFile.FileID
End I
End I

End Functio

'<para>new instance of existing record</para
Sub New(ByVal FileID As Long, ByVal TheName As String, ByVal ThePath As String
mintFileID = FileI
mstrTheName = TheNam
mstrThePath = ThePat
mblnDirty = Fals
mblnNew = Tru
End Su

'<para>for a really new file</para
Sub New(ByVal TheName As String, ByVal ThePath As String
mstrTheName = TheNam
mstrThePath = ThePat
mblnNew = Tru
mblnDirty = Tru

End Su

'<para>empty constructor for xml de-serialisation</para
Sub New()

mblnNew = False
mblnDirty = False
End Sub

Public Overloads Function Saved() As Boolean
mblnDirty = False
Return True
End Function

Public Overloads Function Saved(ByVal FileID As Long) As Boolean
mblnDirty = False
mblnNew = False
mintFileID = FileID
Return True
End Function

Public Function Delete() As Boolean
mblnDeleted = True
Return mblnDeleted
End Function
<XmlIgnore()> _
Public ReadOnly Property Dirty() As Boolean
Return mblnDirty
End Get
End Property
<XmlIgnore()> _
Public ReadOnly Property Deleted() As Boolean
Deleted = mblnDeleted
End Get
End Property
Public Property FileID() As Integer
Return mintFileID
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
mintFileID = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property TheName() As String
Return mstrTheName
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mstrTheName = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property ThePath() As String
Return mstrThePath
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
mstrThePath = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class