Here are some replacements I wrote which provide a subset of the "real"
' This function replicates the SelectSingleNode MSXML function only
to the extent required by
' expressions such as /starting/next/next/element or
Public Function SelectSingleNode(ByVal xmldoc As XmlDocument, ByVal
sInput As String) As String
Dim sSelect() As String, sXML As String, i As Integer, xNode As
XmlNode, tNode As XmlNode
' Break down the input string
sSelect = Split(sInput, "/")
If UBound(sSelect) < 1 Then Return ""
' Get the first node
xNode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName(sSelect(1)).Item(0)
' go to the next-to-last element
For i = 2 To UBound(sSelect) - 1
If xNode.HasChildNodes Then
For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes
If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Then
xNode = tNode
Exit For
End If
Return ""
End If
' Handle last node or attribute
If Mid(sSelect(i), 1, 1) = "@" Then
If xNode.Attributes(Mid(sSelect(i), 2)) Is Nothing Then
Return ""
Return xNode.Attributes(Mid(sSelect(i), 2)).InnerText
End If
For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes
If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Then
xNode = tNode
Exit For
End If
If xNode Is Nothing Then Return ""
Return xNode.InnerText
End If
End Function
' This function replicates the SelectNodes MSXML function only to
the extent required by
' expressions such as /starting/next/next/element or
Public Function SelectNodes(ByVal xmldoc As XmlDocument, ByVal
sInput As String) As XmlNode()
Dim sSelect() As String, sXML As String, i As Integer, xNode As
XmlNode, tNode As XmlNode
Dim xList() As XmlNode
' Break down the input string
sSelect = Split(sInput, "/")
If UBound(sSelect) < 1 Then Return Nothing
' Get the first node
xNode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName(sSelect(1)).Item(0)
' go to the next-to-last element
For i = 2 To UBound(sSelect) - 1
If xNode.HasChildNodes Then
For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes
If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Then
xNode = tNode
Exit For
End If
Return Nothing
End If
' Handle last node
If Not xNode.HasChildNodes Then Return Nothing
For Each tNode In xNode.ChildNodes
If tNode.Name = sSelect(i) Or sSelect(i) = "*" Then
' Re-size array
If xList Is Nothing Then
' First time through, create the array
ReDim xList(0)
xList(0) = Nothing
' Increase size by 1
ReDim Preserve xList(xList.Length())
End If
xList(xList.Length - 1) = tNode
End If
If xList(0) Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
Return xList
End Function