XML documentation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lloyd Dupont
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Lloyd Dupont

I have generated my XML documentation.
now what ?
because the XML file is not quite human friendly....

I tryed NDoc but it bugged using my XML files....
and I also tryed to look for 'XML translator (C#)' on MSDN & Google..
no luck ;-(

any tips ? ideas ? or links ?

(yeah, I know, I could do it myself, but you know always the same problem
that the not quite finished project should be delivered yesterday :-)
Hi Lloyd,

Are you looking for a documentation of your code similar to MSDN help. I
mean class, members , properties like that. Using NDOC you can generate the
help file. Only thing is that you have to mention the entire comemnts to
your cod including ///summary, ///remarks etc. In NDOC there are some
options while generating the doc. So that you can hide the private members.

Let me know what is the error that you are getting from NDOC utility.

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well when I said I had no luck with NDoc I mean I Had no luck with NDOC.
so I already tryed and was unsucessfull with it ....
I would say that NDoc is best available tool for documenting. I have been
using it now almost one year.

Nice tool, however it can't handle properly methods whos names differs only
by case.
