XML document in a treevie needs 57secodns

  • Thread starter Thread starter remo
  • Start date Start date


Cant believe it:
Loading an XML document (150kb) in a treeview using .net 2.0 using 2.0
That is unusable!!!
Loading the same document in Iexplore, it needs 1/100 of a second
That could not be .net
That is incredible, and non usable.
What in the hell do ms wasting the time...

regards remo
remo said:
Not my code is slow!
MS code is slow!

If you're interested in learning why your code is slow, it would help a
great deal if you'd post an example of how you're "loading an XML document
in a treeview". If your interest is only in complaining, then you've
accomplished your goal already.

The code is copied from MSDN here is the link:

Knowledge Base:
How to populate a treeview control with XML data in Visual C# 2005 or
in visual C# .NET


Running on a Dell Inspiron 9400 dualcore, with 2GB Ram
Intel CPU T2400 @1.83GHz

Using VisualStudio 2005 and C#
The XML File is 158kb and has the folowing structure:
<sz> x="1.1" y=1.1</sz>
<mx> x="1" y=1</mx>
<dc x="1" y="1"/>
<op x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fp x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fs x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fr x="1.1"/>
<bpc x="1"/>
<op x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fp x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fs x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fr x="1.1"/>
<op x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fp x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fs x="1.1" y="1.1"/>
<fr x="1.1"/>
<Req x="1">
This is only the structure, the names are 10..15char's long
The attributes "1.0" are floats
The "1" are integer values

Each dm contains 64 dv's
Each dv contains one bp
There are 4 dm's and 64 dv's in one dm: 256 dv's and 256 bp's

Loading the XML DOM using about 40ms ... 500ms
Loading the tree using about 55..58s

regards remo
I've tried the sample of the KB with a bigger XMl file (about 100 KB)
and it is indeed sloooooow.

Now depending on what you want to achieve you have different strategies
you can apply :
1/ Lazy creation : create only the the first n-levels of node that you
want to display and create a dummy child node where necessary
I the click event of your node, if the child nodes is a dummy then
create the real child node

2/ load and create your treeview in a seperate thread.
I don't have this article....
Anyway IF you purpose is to improve the speed of this operation
I could suggest a couple of things.
The first one I can do, but it needs much more logic....
The second I can also do, but the time will not be shorter to load the tree
(not realy a solution)

Would be a C++ implementation with .NET faster?

regards remo
Hello again,
The first one I can do, but it needs much more logic....
Yes more code, but if it solves your problem...
The second I can also do, but the time will not be shorter to load the tree
Time would indeed not be shorter, but your UI would be responsive.
(not realy a solution)

Would be a C++ implementation with .NET faster?
I don't really known. I guess not if you would use managed C++ .
Otherwise that would mean creating your complete UI in C++ , or just
the tree control in C++.

I would go for #1 seems the easiest an simplest way.

As I don't have the code (nor the required MSDN version, it seems) I could
suggest 2 things (without knowing how relevant they are):

1. I will create all the node without attaching them to a TreeView.
When all the node would have been created I will add the top level ones to
the TreeView.
This way you minismize your calls to the TreeView class. Which is a
performance bottleneck as all WinForm control which are think wrapper around
win32 controls (such as the treeview) don't behave well.

2. I will go on www.codeproject.com and use one of their fully managed
TreeView class/sample. Which would probably behave much better the the one
in the framework....
Thanks for the info.
I think then we can not use the .Net as tool for our programm
So slow code, this is a very big risk....

Here is the code just for information:

private void AddNode(XmlNode inXmlNode, TreeNode inTreeNode)
XmlNode xNode;
TreeNode tNode;
XmlNodeList nodeList;
int i;
// Loop through the XML nodes until the leaf is reached.
// Add the nodes to the TreeView during the looping process.
if (inXmlNode.HasChildNodes)
nodeList = inXmlNode.ChildNodes;
for (i = 0; i <= nodeList.Count - 1; i++)
xNode = inXmlNode.ChildNodes;
inTreeNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(xNode.Name));
tNode = inTreeNode.Nodes;
AddNode(xNode, tNode);
// Here you need to pull the data from the XmlNode based on the
// type of node, whether attribute values are required, and so forth.
inTreeNode.Text = (inXmlNode.OuterXml).Trim();
private void loadFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";

openFileDialog1.Filter = "xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*";

openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1;

openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

System.IO.Stream myStream = null;

if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)





if ((myStream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile()) != null)


using (myStream)




DateTime BeginDownload = DateTime.Now;

// SECTION 1. Create a DOM Document and load the XML data into it.

XmlDocument dom = new XmlDocument();


// SECTION 2. Initialize the TreeView control.


DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

TimeSpan diff = now - BeginDownload;

this.Text += (" 1=" + diff.TotalSeconds.ToString());

treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(dom.DocumentElement.Name));

TreeNode tNode = new TreeNode();

tNode = treeView1.Nodes[0];

// SECTION 3. Populate the TreeView with the DOM nodes.

AddNode(dom.DocumentElement, tNode);


now = DateTime.Now;

diff = now - BeginDownload;

this.Text += (" 2=" +diff.TotalSeconds.ToString());


catch (XmlException xmlEx)




catch (Exception ex)







catch (Exception ex)


MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " +


