XML and the Dataset

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daren Hawes
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Daren Hawes

Hi I have a XML File and a Dataset

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<Tank xmlns="http://www.tempuri.org/Tank.xsd">
<TankName>Tank One</TankName>
<TankLocation>Lounge Room</TankLocation>
<TankSize>140 Litres / 40 Gallons</TankSize>
<TankContents>FOWLR (Reef Tank)</TankContents>
<TankSkimmerType>Side Mount</TankSkimmerType>
<TankDescription>corner mounted</TankDescription>

dim dsTestDataset as new Dataset

Now it is loaded. Thats fine.

How can I access the for example TankSize direct from the Dataset.

dim strTankSize as String = dsTestDataset???????.???

I have tried data views and gotten myself very confused.

Hi Daren

C# code (easier to copy and paste your string in - let me know if you need
the VB translation):


Nigel Armstrong

string s = @"<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<Tank xmlns='http://www.tempuri.org/Tank.xsd'>
<TankName>Tank One</TankName>
<TankLocation>Lounge Room</TankLocation>
<TankSize>140 Litres / 40 Gallons</TankSize>
<TankContents>FOWLR (Reef Tank)</TankContents>
<TankSkimmerType>Side Mount</TankSkimmerType>
<TankDescription>corner mounted</TankDescription>

System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(s);
System.Data.DataSet d = new DataSet();

// Tables / Rows / Columns - ToString() to get the string representation
Thanks the VB version would be a little clearer, but I think I get the

Also just to clarify the XML file will be a seperate file added to the
din folder so I have to use (In VB)

Imports System.IO

DIM path as String = Directory.CurrentDirectory()
DIM ds as new Dataset
ds.ReadXML(path & "\file.xml")


DIM TankName as String = ds.Tables(0)"Tank".Rows(0)"TankName".ToString()

Is the above correct? I am not near my VS or I would try!!

Thx Heaps