Not really programming in Excel, so a little OT....
I'd like to create an Excel-file from within a little program I'm writing.
It has to export query-results to a file, readable for Excel.
Creating tsv or csv is not really an option, since I don't want to be
bothered with the import options when opening such files.
So now I need to know how xls-files are built, what info they contain etc.
Anyone got a hint where to find this info, if it is available at all?
Other suggestions are welcome too, workarounds are programmable too
Not really programming in Excel, so a little OT....
I'd like to create an Excel-file from within a little program I'm writing.
It has to export query-results to a file, readable for Excel.
Creating tsv or csv is not really an option, since I don't want to be
bothered with the import options when opening such files.
So now I need to know how xls-files are built, what info they contain etc.
Anyone got a hint where to find this info, if it is available at all?
Other suggestions are welcome too, workarounds are programmable too