How can corrupted .xls & .doc file be recovered to Excel and Word applications?
Some people have said that they can open corrupted workbooks in OpenOffice.org.
is where you''d go to download the free office suite.
If you can trust the subject and the body, then judging by the extensions (.doc
and .xls), the OP may not be using Office 2007.
But that doesn't mean that OO would work in any case.
Bruce said:If you can trust the subject and the body, then judging by the extensions (.doc
and .xls), the OP may not be using Office 2007.
Ah ... well spotted that man.
But that doesn't mean that OO would work in any case.
Quite true. Depending on the value of the now corrupt file, it can be worth
trying though.
I wonder though ... I have seen word (for example) try to open an XL file
someone had accidentally renamed (from .doc to .xls).
MS Office is very trusting of its extensions IIRC (ie it uses what it's
been told to use to open things). Not sure about the windows versions of OO,
but linux doesn't particularly care about extensions, and seems to look in
the file to see what it is before opening it unless specifically told what
to use. If the windows versions of OO do that too, that apparent
"corruption" would also be covered.
To the OP ... the files haven't been renamed recently have they ?