I've got a computer here with a Xilence power 550W PSU.
That PSU is built for silence as is the entire computer.
The PSU's large fan does not spin innitially when turning on the
computer, and does not spin up for some time unless gently nudged with
a stick.
Even tho such behaviour would seem normal if the PSU's temperature
regulation is providing the fan insufficient voltage to start up when
the PSU is still cold, I am not used to seeing it. My usual brand of
PSUs is LC Power and their regulated speed PSU fans always spin when
the PSU is turned on.
Anyone with experience using these Xilence Power PSU's? Is it normal
for their fans not to spin innitially or am I looking at a brand new
computer supplied with a PSU with a partialy busted fan?
That PSU is built for silence as is the entire computer.
The PSU's large fan does not spin innitially when turning on the
computer, and does not spin up for some time unless gently nudged with
a stick.
Even tho such behaviour would seem normal if the PSU's temperature
regulation is providing the fan insufficient voltage to start up when
the PSU is still cold, I am not used to seeing it. My usual brand of
PSUs is LC Power and their regulated speed PSU fans always spin when
the PSU is turned on.
Anyone with experience using these Xilence Power PSU's? Is it normal
for their fans not to spin innitially or am I looking at a brand new
computer supplied with a PSU with a partialy busted fan?