Does any one know how this works?
I can not figure out how to use the XCOPY command to
EXCLUDE files from being copied.
It either copies the files anyway, or it aborts the
command stream.
Here is an actual example:
e:\docs>xcopy e:\docs\*.* f:\archive\weekly03
\daily\*.* /exclude:e:\docs\quicken\backup /m /c /i /v
/r /y /s
Can't read file: e:\docs\quicken\backup
0 File(s) copied
e:\docs>dir e:\docs\quicken\backup1
Volume in drive E is WD160-DATA
Volume Serial Number is 68D4-EA2A
Directory of e:\docs\quicken\backup1
12/30/2003 09:05 AM <DIR> .
12/30/2003 09:05 AM <DIR> ..
10/03/2003 02:59 PM 0 klaus.NPC
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 4,034,232 klaus.QDF
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 2,137,088 klaus.QEL
12/29/2003 11:17 AM 976,510 klaus.QPH
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 473,301 klaus.QSD
01/19/2003 11:15 AM 4,276 klaus.QTX
6 File(s) 7,625,407 bytes
2 Dir(s) 327,491,584 bytes free
I can not figure out how to use the XCOPY command to
EXCLUDE files from being copied.
It either copies the files anyway, or it aborts the
command stream.
Here is an actual example:
e:\docs>xcopy e:\docs\*.* f:\archive\weekly03
\daily\*.* /exclude:e:\docs\quicken\backup /m /c /i /v
/r /y /s
Can't read file: e:\docs\quicken\backup
0 File(s) copied
e:\docs>dir e:\docs\quicken\backup1
Volume in drive E is WD160-DATA
Volume Serial Number is 68D4-EA2A
Directory of e:\docs\quicken\backup1
12/30/2003 09:05 AM <DIR> .
12/30/2003 09:05 AM <DIR> ..
10/03/2003 02:59 PM 0 klaus.NPC
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 4,034,232 klaus.QDF
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 2,137,088 klaus.QEL
12/29/2003 11:17 AM 976,510 klaus.QPH
12/30/2003 09:05 AM 473,301 klaus.QSD
01/19/2003 11:15 AM 4,276 klaus.QTX
6 File(s) 7,625,407 bytes
2 Dir(s) 327,491,584 bytes free