Keith Wiedemann
Does anyone have a copy of the VBScript that extends the
capability of XCACLS.EXE?
I need to set explicit deny special access permissions
across several hundred directories, and I'd like to do it
through a batch file, but the EXE version only allows you
to GRANT special access, the VBS allows you to DENY it.
I'd greatly appreciate it!
You can send it to keith.wiedemann [AT] digitalnet.com
(make sure to modify the extension so it doesn't get
capability of XCACLS.EXE?
I need to set explicit deny special access permissions
across several hundred directories, and I'd like to do it
through a batch file, but the EXE version only allows you
to GRANT special access, the VBS allows you to DENY it.
I'd greatly appreciate it!
You can send it to keith.wiedemann [AT] digitalnet.com
(make sure to modify the extension so it doesn't get